” Healthy Food Near Me” decided to tell how it is possible to get the rights on their own and the first time

Muscovite Ksenia complained that getting a driver’s license through a driving school has become too long. The girl unlearned the rights of category A (motorcycles), she successfully passed the internal practical and theoretical exam. It remains only to confirm the knowledge in the traffic police, but at this stage everything died out.

“They told me that the unit to which the school is attached does not have a motorcycle platform,” Ksenia said. – Inspectors must take a practical exam right on the school site. But now they don’t, as they’ve all been sent to patrol the streets ahead of the World Cup. I was offered: either to pick up the documents and take it myself, or to wait until the exam can be passed through the school. But the wait can stretch almost until September.

Motorcyclists have a special situation: the season ends in autumn. Did not have time to ride – wait for next year. Ksenia does not want to delay the exams at the traffic police. You need to pick up the documents and try to hand over yourself.

Step by step guide

Let’s see if it’s as difficult as it might seem. And what should the student do? Note that the path of the future motorist and motorcyclist is the same.

Step 1

There are nine examination departments in Moscow. You have to choose the one you want to take. Addresses and work schedules are available on the website of the Moscow police in the “Public Services” section. In each of the regions of Our Country, there is a similar website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which lists the addresses of examination units, but there are many times fewer of them than in the capital.

Step 2

We arrive at the appointed time to submit documents (or just standing in line). Please bring with you: a passport, a driver’s medical certificate 003-VU, a certificate of completion of training and a receipt for payment of the fee.

It happens that the opportunity to pass the first – theoretical – exam appears on the same day. It didn’t work out – the driver will be recorded for the next free time.

Step 3

We arrive at the appointed time and pass the theoretical exam. If all is well, then the future driver will be sent to the recording window, where they will be told when and where to come to the practical exam.

Step 4

We arrive at the appointed time and pass the practical exam. The traffic police will give you a car or a motorcycle at no extra charge, but it will no longer be the same technique that was used for training. Passed? Then the next day after the exam, through the State Services portal, it will be possible to sign up for a new driver’s license.

From April 1, 2021, new rules for passing the driving license exam come into force. You don’t need to pass the practical part at the autodrome anymore. This applies to cars, trucks and buses. Drivers of motorcycles and mopeds still rent out the site.

Step 5

We come with a passport to the unit where we handed over the rights to the appointed time. If the driver opened a new category (there was only A, he graduated from B), then the old license must also be taken. No additional fees or photography are needed – everything you need will be done free of charge on the spot.

Individuals decide to pass the exam on their own

– The examiners were taken to patrol the streets, because of this queue for change? I ask Anatoly Misenko, Head of the Department for Organization of Examinations of the Moscow Traffic Police Department.

– Not. Therefore, they try not to pull us, so that people do not have to wait. The hitch in the driving school of a Muscovite occurred for a different reason. Their traffic police department does not have a site for motorcycles. And the site of the driving school itself is not certified for exams. This means that Xenia’s school needs to register students for the exam, which will be held at the site of another school. There may be a line of passers – that’s why Ksenia was told that the waiting for the exam at the traffic police would be delayed.

– Many people decide to take it on their own without the support of the school?

– Very little. After all, the exam will be held on an unfamiliar car or motorcycle. The students are afraid of this.

Who provides the equipment?

– Other schools. Usually they do not refuse rare students who pass on their own. Although the traffic police has its own examination vehicles: cars and motorcycles.

– Do I have to pay for transfers?

– Not. The fee is paid once – it includes all exams, all possible retakes and the very production of a certificate.

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