The imagination of makeup artists knows no bounds – every time they come up with something new for us! Let’s see how they want to see us this season.
How to paint your eyes with shadows
Coral and purple, hot pink and purple. There is practically a rainbow on your lips. Any word that leaves the rainbow lips is worth its weight in gold. For those who are not ready to put on their lips in “outfits” of defiantly bright colors, they can simply get rid of them. The missing lip effect, or so-called nude lips, is also in vogue this spring.
The shooters retained their strong position, only from black and brown to blue, green and pink. More cheerful and different colors – this is the motto. In the eyes of the shadows are only optimistic and life-affirming colors: yellow, light green, orange, purple, pink, which can be used both individually and in combination with each other. If you are in for a meeting in conservative circles, paint your eyes with metallic gray or cool shades of blue.
The blush is given a red light! After all, nothing refreshes the face better than a light blush. The color palette is very diverse: from pink to brown-orange.
Nobody else forces us to be fried-browned pies. Solar tanning is a thing of the past. Yes, the natural complexion is alive !!!
The eyebrows continue to be in vogue for a natural shape. Moderately large and wide, dark. In such an environment, the loyal companions of the eyebrows – the eyes, will look mysterious and charming.
If your eyelashes resemble the paws of May bugs, then you are in the main trend of this season. To achieve this effect, you can make up the eyelashes with lengthening mascara in two layers, and then separate them from each other with a toothpick.