How to paint walls and ceilings with a roller. Video Tips
The cheapest and easiest way to finish ceilings and walls is to paint them with a roller. Observing simple rules, you can achieve high-quality and even color of the room.
How to paint walls with a roller
Tools and materials needed to paint the ceiling and walls
To perform a high-quality painting of the ceiling and walls, it is necessary to prepare the following tools and materials: – paints for the ceiling and walls; – a primer; – a roller with a long nap, having a width of 20-25 cm; – a flat brush 50-80 mm wide; – a tray for paint, preferably with a wringing mesh; – a spatula; – narrow brushes; – paper tape; – sandpaper; – plastic wrap, newspapers or cloth; – overalls; – a stepladder.
Move furniture outside or away from walls and cover with plastic wrap. Cover radiators and windowsills with a cloth, newspaper or foil. Place the lamp on a portable tripod near the ceiling. It can be moved around as needed. This lighting will help you find all unpainted areas and irregularities.
Prepare the ceiling surfaces for painting: putty all cracks and irregularities, sand and remove dust. Then you need to prime the ceiling. To do this, apply a primer around its perimeter with a brush, carefully treating corners and hard-to-reach places. Then use a roller to prime the surface, starting at any corner and working towards the wall. The primer should be applied in strips about a meter wide, each new strip should overlap the previous one.
After drying, you need to paint over dark spots with a primer or apply a second coat
After the primer is dry, start painting the ceiling. Paint over hard-to-reach spots and corners on the ceiling with a brush. The brush should be lowered into the jar by one third and squeezed out the excess over the edges. When painting, do not press hard on the brush at the beginning of the stroke, the pressure must be increased as the paint is used. The applied layer needs to be shaded well. Pour paint into a tray, dip a roller into it, and roll it out several times on the wringer. Then it will be saturated with paint from all sides.
Roll the paint evenly across the ceiling using a roller. The stripes should be about 50 cm wide and the new stripe should overlap the previous one. Do not tear the roller off the surface, increase the pressure as the ink is consumed. Roll out the marks from the edges of the roller in a perpendicular direction. After the surface is completely dry, apply a second coat of paint to the ceiling.
Prepare the walls for painting: remove the old wallpaper, putty the cracks, sand the irregularities with sandpaper. Apply paper tape to trims, doorways, baseboards, wall / ceiling borders, switches and sockets to avoid accidentally painting them. Apply a primer to the walls. First, hard-to-reach places and joints are primed with a brush, and then the primer is applied to the surface with a roller.
After the primer has dried, paint is applied. Start painting from the wall where there are door or window openings. Similar to priming, first paint over hard-to-reach places and corners with a brush, then paint with a roller.
The more often the roller is carried over the surface, the more saturated and dense the color will be.
The paint should be applied to the walls from top to bottom, the stripes should be two or three roller lengths wide and a meter high. The roller must be rolled from top to bottom and back. Each next strip should cover the edge of the previous one. After the walls have dried, apply a second coat of paint if necessary.