How to paint regular feathers a bright color, pink
DIY things are back in fashion. Decorations, hats and dresses decorated with feathers are appropriate not only for a themed performance, but also for a regular party. It’s easy to make them yourself if you know how to paint regular feathers in a bright color. You don’t have to worry that the same accessories will end up on someone else.
How to paint feathers: procedure
To paint the feathers, they must be cleaned of dirt and stains. For these purposes, shampoo from a pet store or your usual shampoo is suitable. You can also use dishwashing detergent or laundry soap. Prepare a solution and place the feathers in it for 10 minutes, then rinse, remove and dry.
Knowing how to dye regular feathers bright colors can create unique accessories.
White feathers can be dyed immediately after drying, dark ones must be discolored in advance. To do this, pour hydrogen peroxide into a deep container and place a feather there. Leave it on for half an hour, then rinse and dry.
As a substance for imparting color, you can use:
- hair dye;
- food colorings;
- chemical agents, for example brilliant green, potassium permanganate;
- natural dyes: henna, onion peel.
If you use food coloring – most often sold in Easter egg kits – follow the instructions. Place the feather in the prepared solution and hold for as long as the manufacturer recommends.
Henna is an inexpensive but very slow dyeing method that produces a brown or nutty color. It is necessary to dilute it in water to a state of gruel and place the feathers there for 1,5-2 hours. The final color is brown, the intensity will depend on the exposure time.
For a light brown hue, use onion peels. The following algorithm is effective:
- toss the husk into a saucepan of water;
- bring to a boil and simmer over the fire for 15 minutes;
- place feathers in the composition and leave for 1-2 hours.
Use colored mascara to give the base material a bright peacock tint. To obtain an emerald color, place the feather in a solution of brilliant green.
How to paint feathers pink? Place them in a saturated potassium permanganate solution and let sit for 30 minutes. Another option is to use aniline dye. The exposure time to obtain the desired shade is only a few minutes.
Hand-made is fashionable and exciting. Feathers hand-painted in vibrant colors will help you create an unusual look and express your own personality.