How to paint radiators, what paint
Heating batteries are part of the interior, and their standard color does not always fit into the planned design of the room. It is useful to figure out how to paint the batteries correctly, because doing repairs with your own hands is fun and economical.
Knowing how to paint batteries will save you repair costs
You should not paint modern universal radiators yourself, especially if they have aluminum fins. Their painting requires special tools and devices, it is carried out only by specialists.
How to paint cast iron batteries yourself
Before applying paint to the battery, prepare the surface:
- thoroughly clean the battery from dust, dirt and debris – for this, use wet wipes or a wet rag;
- the lagging pieces of paint are removed with a spatula, after which either a mechanical brush is used, which is put on the drill, or a special remover. The brush removes the old layer well and quickly, but it can scratch the metal surface. When working with a remover, only paint is removed, but careful ventilation of the room and the use of a protective respirator are required. The agent is applied to the radiator, wrapped in a film, wait for the allotted time, and then clean the surface with a spatula. This procedure is mandatory, otherwise the heat-conducting properties of the radiator will deteriorate;
- the battery is cleaned with sandpaper and degreased with alcohol-containing agents;
- apply a primer, preferably with anti-corrosion properties – then you do not have to worry about the appearance of rust.
After that, the floor under the radiator is carefully covered with cloth, film or paper, and the painting stage begins. It is better to start it from hard-to-reach places, and then move on to the visible part. When painting with a brush, it should be carried out from top to bottom. You need two layers, no more. For speed, you can use a spray gun.
To do this work reliably and not return to it for a long time, it is worth choosing the right coloring agent.
What paint to paint batteries
Means for such an operation must be heat-resistant, low-toxic and have a long service life. Choose special paints for radiators, they can be of the following types:
- acrylic – you will get an even and lasting color, but at the same time an unpleasant odor that disappears for a long time;
- alkyd – they can withstand high temperatures and do not wear off for a long time, but they also have an unpleasant odor;
- water-dispersive – do not have a pungent odor, dry quickly, have a wide range of colors.
They also use oil paints for coating, but this method has practically outlived its usefulness.
Now you know how to paint a radiator. Remember that it is advisable to do this before the start of the heating season – on a cold radiator, the paint will lay in even layers and will last much longer. You can clearly see all the stages of painting in the video.
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