Unusual flower beds made by hand from leftover materials are becoming more and more popular. Such crafts for decorating a garden can be found in almost every summer cottage, in the yards of private and multi-storey buildings. Used car tires, pieces of bricks, stones, wood residues – everything that is no longer needed on the farm can be used to create original flower beds. In order for the flower garden to become a real decoration of the site, it needs to be given an attractive decorative look. Black tires or other containers for flowers look unattractive and too simple. But if they are beautifully painted in bright saturated colors, you will get original flower beds that will become a central element in the design of the territory.
What is needed
Painting a flower bed from tires or other household residues is not difficult even for inexperienced craftsmen. To work, you will need the following materials and accessories:
- solvent, acetone or other means intended for degreasing the surface;
- a primer (for example, GF-021 is quite suitable for a rubber surface) – if the flower bed is pre-primed, the coating will lie more evenly and will hold on tighter;
- paint – any paint that remains on the farm is suitable for coloring flower beds;
- brushes (depending on the complexity of the drawing) – it is recommended to prepare several types of brushes of different thicknesses.
Of course, there are no strict rules for painting flower beds, and if you want to save money, you can completely get by with a minimal set consisting of a brush and coloring matter. But if there is a desire to make a high-quality flower bed that will decorate the territory for a long time and create a unique comfort, you need to take into account some tips:
- a tire or other object intended to create a flower bed, before painting, must be washed well with any detergent, and then degreased with acetone, white spirit, or other similar liquids;
- further, the tire should be treated with a primer – this will hide the bumps and reduce the consumption of dyes (experts advise adding a little PVA glue to the primer for strength);
- if the tire is supposed to be painted in a light or bright color, then before applying the color scheme, it is better to cover the future flower bed with a white base;
- the tire should be painted on both sides: outside and inside – the soil tends to sag, and over time, the beauty of the flower garden can be spoiled by the protrusion of the unpainted part of the tire.
Based on these recommendations, it is easy to determine what materials, and in what quantity, are needed to color each of the flower beds. But it must be borne in mind that flowerbeds made of tires are deformed under the influence of frost and sun, and with economical painting, the surface may simply crack.
Video “A selection of painting options”
Video compilation of various color options.
What paints to use
In general, any paint that is on the farm is suitable for painting flower beds:
- special paints for rubber are ideal in this case – they perfectly mask cracks and irregularities, do not crack in the cold, but their cost is quite high;
- spray paints in cans are easy to use, penetrate well into hard-to-reach places, in addition, when painting flower beds, they allow you to create smooth transitions between colors;
- automotive paints (including aerosol ones) – hold well and for a long time on a rubber surface, dry quickly, are an excellent option for a base;
- acrylic – applied to a fat-free surface for a long time, do not fade in the sun, do not crack;
- water-based – also suitable for outdoor work, fit well on a clean surface, but burn out over time;
- enamels with an oil base – interact well with rubber, last a long time;
- nitro paints – dry quickly, do not wash off, do not fade, fit well on the rubber surface.
All of these coloring materials are good as a base, but for applying small drawings, it is better to purchase a special set of weather-resistant paints from an art store. Each set contains several jars of different colors and small volume – just what you need to draw small details.
Painting options
The easiest option for coloring flower beds is a plain bright coating, contrasting with plants, the general background of the garden, lawn and other landscape elements. Flowerbeds of several tires painted in different colors look more impressive if they are assembled into a composition, for example, a tiered pyramid, chamomile, frog and other interesting combinations. In this case, the pyramids can be painted in a variety of colors, the chamomile – the middle (middle bus) in yellow, the petals in white, the frog in green, and so on.
If you connect your imagination, you can turn a homemade flower bed into a real work of art. Even a child can draw various geometric shapes, flowers, butterflies and other simple patterns. For a more complex design, or in the case when it is not possible to paint the flower bed in an original way on your own, you can use stencils, ready-made or made by yourself. To make the flower beds bright and unusual, the colors of the coatings should be selected contrasting.
With the help of aerosols, you can make interesting transitions from one color to another (gradient), paint a flower bed in the color of the rainbow, sea and sky, come up with a variety of unusual color schemes.
The most standard and familiar version of a tire flower garden is a flower with petals of different lengths. We first paint such a flower bed in two colors smoothly turning into each other: the middle is light, the petals are in the same tone, but the color is more intense, for example, lilac – purple, lemon – orange. Below you can apply an ornament in a contrasting dark color. For lovers of bright elements, the petals can be painted in different colors – it all depends on imagination and taste. Flower beds decorated with multi-colored pebbles, shells, beads look luxurious and stylish. This design requires a lot of time and patience, but the result is worth it. Bright ornaments look advantageous on a light, blue, red and black base.
Flowerbeds and alpine slides look beautiful and original, decorated with multi-colored mulch, covered in row-spacings. Small stones, wood chips, sawdust can be used as mulching material. Using wood waste to decorate flower beds, you should be aware that not all sawdust is suitable for decoration. Many tree species, such as conifers, contain resins that have a bad effect on plants and shift the pH of the soil to the acid side. Therefore, only sawdust and chips of deciduous trees can be used to decorate flower beds.
To give a decorative look, sawdust is painted in different colors. Painting wood waste is not an easy process, but doable. They can be dyed with aerosols. In this case, the mulch should be well dried. First, the material must be evenly scattered on paper, then gently spray the coloring matter. During the drying process, the sawdust must be stirred periodically so that it does not stick together. It should be said that the painted mulch looks very decorative, protects the soil from drying out, but is of little use for plants, while untreated wood waste eventually turns into humus and improves the quality of the soil.
Tires of small size can be used to create hanging flower beds in the form of flower pots that will look spectacular at the entrance, on the terrace, balcony. Painted in white, they can become a stylish element of decor both in the house and in the backyard.
Video “Fantasy gardeners and gardeners”
Video compilation with gardeners and gardeners solutions on how to decorate your garden.
Author: Svetlana Galitsina