How to paint black clothes at home

First, you need to determine the type of fabric and choose the dye used for this particular material. It is recommended to use universal paints if the item combines several types of fabrics at once.

A deep enamel basin or saucepan can be used as a container for staining. The final result of the process depends on the volume of the container: the more water, the smoother the paint will lie on the fabric.

Things to be dyed should be washed and dried. All buttons and metal parts must be removed from the fabric. If they are left, unpainted or rusty spots may form on the material.

To paint a thing black, you will need to follow these steps:

  • pour water into the basin and heat up to + 40C. The water should be soft. For this purpose, ordinary baking soda is added to it;
  • the coloring matter must be poured into a separate container. Gradually pouring in warm water, the paint must be mixed. There should be no lumps in the mushy mixture;
  • after that, the composition must be diluted with hot water at the rate of 0,5 liters for each diluted sachet of paint. Mix the product well and filter. It is advisable to use more paint than recommended in the instructions. In this case, the color will be more saturated and the paint will be evenly distributed over the fabric;
  • before painting, the item must be placed in warm water. Let the fabrics get wet and wring out;
  • then add the prepared dye to the bowl and stir so that all the water is evenly colored. Transfer the prepared item to the basin and turn on the heating;
  • the water should boil. After that, the heat must be reduced and the item must be boiled for the next hour. Turn the fabric over as often as possible so that the dyeing process takes place evenly;
  • after the time is up, the garment to be dyed should be removed and rinsed thoroughly several times. After all unnecessary paint is washed off, the fabric must be rinsed again in cold water;
  • dry the painted thing away from sunlight.

Dyeing black items can be done at home. In the process, the fabric will go through a boiling process, which can negatively affect the condition of the wardrobe item: it can change its original size. Make sure this temperature setting is suitable for the item.

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