It is only at first glance that it seems that packing a suitcase is very simple. But in it you need to tamp five new dresses, and several pairs of sandals, and warm clothes – suddenly it gets colder! Heather Poole, a flight attendant from Los Angeles, gave a master class: she showed how to competently pack everything you need for a 10-day trip in a small standard suitcase.
In her suitcase, Heather is going to pack three pairs of shorts, three pairs of pants, one skirt, three pairs of jeans, three nightgowns, three swimsuits, a sarong, three light sweaters, four dresses, ten T-shirts, six shirts, a cosmetic bag, toiletries, and two pairs. shoes. Well, a bunch!
Heather Poole has a lot of experience in packing luggage – the profession obliges! During her life, the stewardess has made so many trips that she will probably be able to pack her bag in a matter of minutes so as not to miss her plane. It remains only to follow her example and quickly ram things. Suitcase, plane … vacation!
Step two Folded things take up too much space. Therefore, Heather Poole tightly rolls all the clothes into rollers – by the way, after that they will not look wrinkled.
This is what the luggage will look like when folded in rollers. Place things next to each other to prevent them from rolling.
Step three: The shoes go to the bag first. Lay it out along the sides of the suitcase, and then begin to lay on the bottom of the jeans and trousers, forming the bottom layer.
Step Four The next layer will be lighter clothing – sweaters and shorts.
Step Five Then it is the turn of the very light items of your wardrobe – dresses, T-shirts, shirts. Place the rollers very closely together.
Step Six Makeup, combs, and toiletries should be at the very top. That’s all, the suitcase is packed! You don’t have to bounce on its lid to close the zipper – the suitcase will easily close itself.
This is what Heather’s suitcase with all of Heather’s things looks like, folded in the traditional way.
Based on materials from The New York Times.