How to overcome your fear of aging?

How to overcome your fear of aging?

How to overcome your fear of aging?
If there is one fear as old as the world, it is that of growing old. From poets to writers, including composers, painters and sculptors, not to mention philosophers, few artists and thinkers have not dealt with the question, and its inevitability. Some have provided answers and solutions, others have reinforced this phobia. We, here, will give you some tips to get rid of it effectively.

The years go by, and you feel a certain anguish at the idea of ​​getting old? Rest assured, there are tips to help you get through this new milestone in your life. 

The fear of aging is first of all the fear of dying

To be afraid of aging is, without admitting it, to being afraid of dying. This fear is triggered, provoked, by subjective, or objective, changes in our body. Which make you think that the ultimate deadline is approaching …

Subjective: a young woman in her thirties will complain of premature wrinkles, when it comes to expression lines, or a little bit of fatigue. 

Objectives: the sight which decreases, in those which had until now excellent eyes, is an indisputable sign of the decrease (quite relative) of the performances of the body. The eye accommodates less well, after the forties … 

But all this is actually not a big deal.

How many times in your life have you met a woman in her forties who looked sixty? ? And conversely, a fifty-something, who seemed less than forty? How many relatives do you know who, in their sixties, still take part in mountain hikes, or even in half-marathons, without complaining?

Mens healthy a healthy body : a healthy mind in a healthy body

Tell yourself that if they can, so can you. It is simply a choice, or the consequence of a succession of choices, and it is never too late to do well. Take care of your body and your skin. Eat better. Playing sports… You will see the first effects very quickly!

One of the best ways to get rid of this fear of aging is to keep your body healthy, or even, why not, to set yourself challenges. That mountain you’ve never climbed? This race in which you have never participated? And what about doing ten, then twenty lengths in the pool? Or go to work or go shopping on foot, rather than taking the car or public transport?

The more you are proud of your body, and of what it can accomplish, even the most mundane things, the less sensitive you will be to the fear of aging. 

Aging is also gaining experience

And then there are also those who like to age, and you could be one of them. Again, it is a matter of choice.

So for example, have you not noticed that for some time, a few years perhaps in fact, you accomplish certain tasks at full speed, and you are surprised that the “youngest” are so slow, or even, are unable to do them? perform correctly?

It is one of the fruits of “old age”, and it is virtuous: it is called “experience”. Every day, you save time, which you can allocate to other tasks, or to hobbies. 

The benefits of experience are numerous. You easily find solutions to your problems. Avoid certain traps you have fallen into in the past. All this should make you happy! 

Finally, rather than postponing appointments, both with the doctor and the dentist, very often, for fear that they will find “something” for you, on the contrary, increase the pace! Many small health concerns are resolved quickly, taken on time, when they can become poisonous, long time, when it is done too late …

Jean-Baptiste Giraud.

Read also: Healthy aging

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