How to overcome the dietary crisis? How to overcome the weight loss crisis? |

In the article below you will find out, among others:

  • What is the impact of motivation on success in losing weight?
  • Where does the diet crisis come from?
  • How to overcome the weight loss crisis?

What is the impact of motivation on success in losing weight?

When losing weight, it is very important to be aware of the reasons for undertaking this process. The key is to consider whether the motivator is the will to achieve the goal in order to please yourselfor rather meet the expectations of others. External motivation perceiving another person as responsible for our weight loss can lead to frustration and crises, and in the long run, to stopping dieting. slimming combined with the thought that doing it for someone can generate unpleasant emotionsfor example, being angry with the person or feeling pressure from him, not necessarily expressed directly by him, but rather ascribed to him in our imaginations. This situation implies that the “motivating” person is not satisfied with our current condition or appearance, which he can withdraw us from social life and contacts with others, and increase the fear of judgment. However, when we use a diet with our health, physical condition and appearance in mind, with the attitude that it is my we decide we want to improve something, it my we will feel better and this is what we will like ourselves more, it is very helpful. Just taking responsibility the weight loss process can have the desired effect. In difficult moments, it is worth recalling the fact that we make this effort for ourselves and to improve our well-being. The role of others in the weight loss process should remain supporting us in achieving our goals.

How to overcome the weight loss crisis?

When a crisis occurs during a diet, such as snacking, it is possible to think that further weight loss no longer makes sense and that from that moment on, snacking becomes an activity that is no longer under our control. Noticing this way of thinking should be an alarm signal and cause you to stop and reflect on the current situation. Of course, the fact is that eating an additional meal provides our body with a certain amount unnecessary calories. On the other hand, their consumption does not mean that previous efforts have been wasted. Before reaching for another piece of cake, for example, it is worth considering what the consequences will be. It is good to ask yourself: How will I feel when I am tempted to have a snack, give up my diet and give in to the vicious cycle of snacking. In such a situation – at the time of giving in to temptation, it is possible to feel remorse or angry with yourself. As a consequence, not only is the likelihood that we will quit the diet more likely, but there is also the possibility of our well-being. On the other hand, the ability to stop and refuse another portion of a meal, in addition to being angry for abandoning the diet, will also liberate us feeling proudthat despite the difficulties, we managed to notice the problem and get it under control. Such a positive experience in coping with difficulties is very helpful – it shows that crisisy are a natural part of human activity, but it also contradicts their highly destructive influence on the weight loss process. Additionally, it also teaches us how we can gain control over the process of achieving your goal. 

What are your ways to deal with weight loss crises? How not to snack during a diet? Share with us!

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