How to overcome autumn depression

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Typical problems of the cold season – no mood, weight jumps, general malaise. But if you follow our advice, then even the chilly autumn will bring only positive emotions!

Not in the mood? Check your thyroid gland!

Weight loss, a feeling of a lump in the throat, a bad mood … These symptoms may well turn out not to be an autumn depression, but a serious thyroid dysfunction. Therefore, in the cold months, everyone should visit an endocrinologist for a preventive visit. The reasons for this are really serious.

Which ones, our expert explains – Natalya Sergeevna Bazoyan, Candidate of Medical Sciences, endocrinologist with 20 years of experience, diabetologist, nutritionist.

“In the cold season, during epidemics of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, there is a serious likelihood of developing such inflammatory diseases as acute and subacute thyroiditis, requiring antibiotics or glucocorticoid hormones.

In addition, the Kuban people, especially the inhabitants of the Black Sea coast, have a danger of hyperinsolation – after all, our summer sun is mercilessly roasting. And this provokes the formation of tumors of the thyroid gland of various etiologies, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (thyrotoxicosis).

Another regional feature of ours is that in some districts of the Krasnodar Territory there is indeed a lack of iodine in food, which for residents can result in such serious thyroid diseases as diffuse goiter, nodular goiter, hypothyroidism, as well as various metabolic disorders. “

How not to miss the beginning of the problem? Note the following changes in state:

  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • soreness if you touch the neck (pain can be given to the ear, lower jaw), while the body temperature rises to 38 ° C and above;
  • significant weight loss for no apparent reason;
  • increased sweating;
  • a feeling of trembling in the body, tremors (tremors) of outstretched arms, accelerated pulse;
  • sleep disturbance.

All these symptoms mean that you need to urgently see an endocrinologist. The doctor will exclude inflammation, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, conduct an examination for the presence of formations and an additional examination in order to determine the morphology of these formations for the correct choice of treatment tactics.

“Don’t forget about the prevention of thyroid diseases! In areas endemic for iodine deficiency, add iodized salt to the diet, eat foods rich in iodine. In hot weather, to protect against hyperinsolation, limit exposure to direct sunlight, do not forget to use protective equipment, hats.

To prevent influenza, I recommend getting vaccinated, which will reduce the likelihood of developing inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland, ”advises endocrinologist Natalya Bazoyan.

Do not delay your visit to a professional doctor!

You can make an appointment with Natalya Sergeevna Bazoyan by phone: +79054725116, +79882423788.

Natalya Sergeevna Bazoyan (prodoctorov. ru) – endocrinologist, nutritionist, diabetologist. Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category. Commander of the Order “Together we are stronger” III degree for assistance in educational and preventive activities of the Russian Diabetes Association (RDA). From 1996 to 2015, she worked at the SKAL Endocrinology Center, and is currently conducting a private appointment.

License No. LO-23-01-010278 dated July 4, 2016


Weight problems? Switch to a healthy diet

In fact, no matter how you cook homemade healthy breakfasts, lunches and dinners, no matter how you calculate the calories, unhealthy fast food on the run always spoils everything and knocks down the diet. But sandwiches can also be healthy, tasty, natural, prepared “on the spot” – this is what they feed in the fashionable and only one in Krasnodar sandwich bar “Celery”!

“We are the first and so far the only ones in the segment of such food at an affordable cost and speed of service. Our specificity is that we prepare everything fresh, using only our own products, purchasing only from trusted suppliers. We buy fruits and vegetables from the “Carrot” fruit and vegetable shop, which is owned by my brother. We buy olive oil, Parma ham, Parmesan, olives and other imported ingredients from trusted suppliers from Italy. Homemade cheese and butter – from a farm from Labinsk, – says the owner of the establishment Elenika Korelova. – We prepare pittas, bagels, sauces, all pastries and desserts ourselves. Our sandwiches are made on site – they are not brought in or stored for a long time.

How do we cook? Let’s say you ordered a beef sandwich. We take selected meat, bake it with aromatic herbs in red wine, cut it on a slicer and serve it on a ciabatta with our signature white sauce, sun-dried tomatoes, Tajas olives and real Parmesan. And so in everything! No compromises, no convenience foods or additives for better storage. “

The menu here is such that everyone will definitely find their favorite sandwich – athletes, vegetarians, and lovers of gastronomic delights. Sandwich recipes are thought out and developed personally by the owner Elenika Korelova, taking into account the wishes and advice of guests or on the occasion of some seasonal products. Each sandwich is original and unique.

“The only difficulty we have to face is the impossibility of updating the menu! Our guests are not ready to give up any item of the current menu, and in order to add some variety, we only have to add new items, ”Elenika smiles.

The menu of the “Celery” sandwich bar is divided by types of bread: it is either a classic ciabatta, or a branded runaway made from whole grain and rye flour, or a lighter snack option – toast or lavash. A recent addition is homemade wholegrain spelled pita. You can also choose completely different filling – from real Parma ham to Indian vegetable cutlets! The bar has a flexible approach to each guest – if you don’t like a certain ingredient, just tell about it and it will be immediately removed from your sandwich. And they will add the one that suits you.

“A novelty this fall is the Daily Sandwich: pita with homemade duck, nut sauce, pomegranate seeds and mozzarella. Another is pumpkin soup with parmesan, thyme and pumpkin seeds, ”adds the owner of the bar.

And one more good news – now the second sandwich bar – Celery on Krasnaya Street – is being prepared for the opening. Literally at the end of the month, it will appear in the area of ​​the Krasnodar department store (Krasnaya st., 155/7). The new bar will also support the take away format. “We really hope that we will be able to create there the same warm and friendly atmosphere that now prevails on Zipovskaya,” says Elenika.

Come to the cozy Celery sandwich bar and treat yourself to healthy and incredibly tasty sandwiches that will not harm your figure in any way!

Where: sandwich bar “Celery”, st. Zipovskaya, 9, tel. (861) 205−00−12, “Instagram” @seldereybar

Everything hurts? Take care of your back!

In fact, if everything hurts and nothing helps, your back may be the “fault”. Aches all over the body, pain, dizziness – such sensations can give problems with the bone skeleton, in particular, an intervertebral hernia. No one is immune from it, and age does not matter here, because it can appear not only from mechanical damage, bruises, falls, but also from metabolic disorders in the spine, as well as due to liver diseases, diseases of internal organs.

The symptoms of this disease are as follows – back pain, neck pain, headache, dizziness. These sensations intensify with movements, physical exertion, coughing and sneezing, depending on the position of the body. Stiffness in movements, posture disorders – “skewed”, scoliosis appear. Insomnia is also a symptom. Familiar problems? See a doctor immediately!

Most clinics would treat herniated discs with surgery. But there is a way that is equally effective, but less traumatic and without consequences. Non-surgical, painless, bloodless – the method used to heal at the Medical Center of Dr. Kuklin.

It consists in the fact that the doctor starts the natural processes of self-healing of the body. During the treatment, reflexology is used – hardware physiotherapy reflexotherapy (vibropuncture) and stimulation of reflex zones of internal organs on the body and auricle (treatment with microstimulants).

The number of sessions will be prescribed by the doctor, but improvement appears within three days after the start of the procedures.

Pains go away, health improves, working capacity is restored. This is also confirmed by the obligatory control MRI images, which are taken 9–12–18 months after the completion of the course of treatment.

In addition, Dr. Kuklin’s Medical Center successfully treats:

  • osteochondrosis – a process of gradually increasing metabolic and degenerative changes in adjoining bone and cartilage tissues;
  • arthritis – inflammation of the joint;
  • arthrosis – joint damage, but without inflammation.

All these unpleasant diseases are also treated non-operatively, bloodlessly, painlessly and without consequences, since they are well tolerated by the body. The doctors of the center have many years of successful practice and only positive feedback from satisfied patients.

How to make an appointment: Medical center of doctor Kuklin, Krasnodar, st. Kalinina, 339 (entrance from the yard), tel .: (861) 255-49-32, 8928 408 03 89.

License No. 23-01-000-338 dated 22.08.2008/XNUMX/XNUMX


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