How to open the sexual chakra with the help of meditation?

Hello! Today we will talk about how to open the sexual chakra. In order to add sensual activity, increase the level of energy and of course, pleasure.

It is also important to develop it for those who want to improve relations with the opposite sex, become more charismatic, attractive and sociable. Among other things, Svadhisthana, as it is also called, is responsible for quality sex and money — quite important components of the life of almost every person.

General information

It is located approximately 4 cm below the navel and is an oval, the diameter of which varies depending on the degree of disclosure. Its minimum size is about 5 mm, but you can reach 15 cm.

It is thanks to her that we experience sexual attraction, attraction to other people. Approximately by the age of 15, it reaches the maximum level of development, which occurs naturally, that is, without special practice in the form of meditations and so on.

It can be affected by family conflicts, difficulties in relationships, both with parents and between them.

Such psychological traumas can cause great damage to Swadhisthana, especially in adolescence, at the time of its most active disclosure. Then, in adulthood, such a person may be plagued by failures, both in interpersonal communication and with a career, financial situation, and even when trying to create their own prosperous family.

It is usually most developed in women, at least they have a higher energy level than men.

This is necessary in order to inspire the opposite sex to exploits and accomplishments. Because, by giving strength and resources, the beautiful half of humanity in return receives stability and security.

Thus, there is an equal exchange, which is necessary for a healthy, happy relationship.


  • Depicted in orange with six petals, as a symbol of connection with the other 6 centers;
  • Note RE;
  • Element Water;
  • Astringent taste, as if unripe persimmon;
  • Creative energy;
  • Aromatherapy: sandalwood, jasmine, ylang-ylang;
  • Stones — fire agate, opal, moonstone, amber and carnelian;
  • Organs — liver, right kidney, organs of the reproductive system and intestines;
  • Mantra VAM.

How to open the sexual chakra with the help of meditation?

How does disharmony manifest itself in the sexual chakra

  • Infertility, impotence;
  • Muscle cramps, allergies and even constipation;
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome and depression. They arise as a result of the frustration of needs, that is, because of their dissatisfaction. After all, you have to keep in yourself a lot of feelings, energies, which lead to such consequences;
  • In order to experience arousal, some kind of stimulus is required. For example, watching erotic films or photos;
  • Lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities;
  • Lack of empathy and concern for others and even loved ones. This happens because a person seems to become “obsessed” with his own personality. Quite a lot of needs are not satisfied, so there is a lot of tension, irritation. Therefore, there are no resources at all to notice the other and take care of him;
  • No boundaries. Such people simply do not feel the boundaries between their biofield and the biofield of another person. For them, they are literally blurred, which is why they can violate personal space, as if, without realizing their aggressive actions, invade it;
  • Weakness of spirit. He is afraid to express his needs and desires. And, even more so, to try to fulfill oneself, sometimes defending one’s own rights and point of view;
  • He does not understand how to express, show his sexuality. Why there are difficulties in terms of sexual relations, such a person is even not easy to give ordinary flirting;
  • Addiction. The impossibility to realize their sexual desires and fantasies leads to strong tension, which sometimes they cope with in completely non-constructive ways. For example, eating food in excessive amounts, trying to seem to “seize” problems. Or begins to abuse alcohol, gambling, smoking, and so on;
  • Constant anxiety and anxiety, which can not be coped with at all. If only because a person with disabilities in Svadhisthana does not understand the meaning of life, his destiny. Why is it as if in a «suspended» state, not feeling stability. This just does not give the opportunity to relax, calm down.

How can you tell if everything is in order with Svadhisthana?

So, a person with a fairly well-developed sexual chakra:

  • Able to share;
  • Enjoys life;
  • Has a good financial position, often rich;
  • Independent;
  • sociable;
  • Easy-going;
  • Creative;
  • Harmonious and balanced, balanced;
  • Joyful, happy and fulfilled.

How to open the sexual chakra with the help of meditation?

With a low opening level:

  • Greedy;
  • Lustful;
  • Dependent;
  • Has limited consciousness;
  • Does not know how to sympathize;
  • Aggressive;
  • Unrestrained, hysterical, capricious;
  • Poor, both financially and spiritually;
  • Suspicious.

Now count in which column you have more matches. What you lack — and will be the point of proximal development.

For example, you do not know how to empathize, sympathize. In this case, on the site you can find information on how to increase your emotional intelligence. And then, doing meditation to open the sexual chakra, you will additionally perform exercises to learn to be aware of your feelings. Such complex work is most effective in striving to change your life for the better.


Sit comfortably so that you don’t have to be distracted by discomfort in your body. Then take a deep breath, then exhale, on which try to relax as much as possible.

Close your eyes and imagine orange color energy rising from the earth and filling you. Getting through the root, that is, the very first chakra, which is located between the genitals and the anus, it goes higher and stops in Swadhisthana.

With each breath, it becomes larger, you feel warmth in the lower abdomen. And as you exhale, you are freed from the negativity that has accumulated during the time you have not practiced.

When you realize that you are completely cleansed, try to imagine how a flower with six petals appeared in this area. Which begins to slowly spin clockwise, gradually increasing speed. This visualization will activate the sex chakra.

If you directly physically felt at least a little excitement, it means that you succeeded.

Then take a deep breath in and out again. And when you’re ready to return to «reality» — slowly open your eyes. Try to take care of your own safety by turning off the sound of your mobile, as well as warning family members not to be disturbed for a certain period of time.

For the best effect, you can sing the VAM mantra, in addition, turn on the music for relaxation. Ideal for this task is the sound of rain, the sound of the surf.


If you are unable to achieve the desired results, do not despair. In this case, try to develop abstract-logical thinking, then it will be easier for you to visualize.

Take care of yourself and be happy!

Also, we recommend reading the article about the heart chakra.

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina.

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