How to open the heart chakra through meditation?

Hello! Meditation on the heart chakra helps to achieve harmony in life, intimacy in relationships, raise mood and energy levels for achievements and fulfillment of one’s needs.

She is called Anahata and she is the fourth in a row. It is the concentration of love, tenderness, sincerity, fidelity and selflessness. Thanks to her, you will feel unity not only with nature, but also with the world around you as a whole. Let’s take a closer look at what you get by opening it.

What is responsible for?

  • Constructive and healthy expression of feelings. That is, it allows you to become more responsive, sympathetic, alive, in the end, with different emotions that correspond to the circumstances.
  • Openness. It is common for people, fearing to get hurt and feel pain, to close themselves in, not trusting anyone in the world. But this quality usually repels others, because the unwillingness to be real in contact makes it meaningless to linger in it.
  • It is responsible for the interaction between the three lower chakras and the three upper ones. Since it is in the middle, being the center, it makes it possible to control the processes of awareness and distribution of energy of the whole organism.
  • Maturity. No matter how smart a person is, if he is not able to give an account of his actions, anticipate events and rely on the knowledge and experience already gained, he cannot be called mature. By the way, men can take this test.

Main characteristics

  • Fourth in a row and depicted in green;
  • FA note;
  • Symbol in the form of twelve petals;
  • Aroma of geranium;
  • Sour taste;
  • Of the stones, rose quartz helps to develop it;
  • Organs and systems of the body for which it is responsible: heart, bronchi, lungs, arms, chest and trachea;
  • Actively develops in adolescence.
  • Element Air, which cannot be seen, but only felt, like love.
  • It is most developed in women, in most cases due to their natural emotionality.

How to open the heart chakra through meditation?

How to understand that she is out of balance?

If disturbances occur in at least one chakra, then the energy is blocked in the rest. This affects not only health, but also mood, character. The fact that there are problems with Anahata, you can determine if you have:

  • There is no desire to live and achieve something. In men, it is also accompanied by a complex form of depression due to responsibility for the financial well-being of the family;
  • There is no love and, in general, full-fledged healthy relationships that do not bring almost one pain;
  • Feeling of constant anxiety, when it subsides, then reappears;
  • There was a tendency to deception, causeless, at first glance, anger and irritability;
  • Selfishness, indecision, arrogance, impatience and self-doubt began to appear;
  • Periodically, depression makes itself felt, getting out of which is more and more difficult;
  • Insomnia and frequent nightmares;
  • A tendency to self-giving, which borders on sacrifice;
  • The feeling of total loneliness haunts when it seems that in this world there is absolutely nothing to do with you;
  • There are such diseases as hypertension, asthenia, asthma, oncology and there are problems with the heart.



Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Try not to think about anything, just watch the flow of thoughts that rush through your head. Also watch your breathing.

Take a slow deep breath in through your nose, and the same slow breath out through your mouth. Only the mouth should not be strained, but slightly parted lips, let out the air.

When you feel and understand that you have relaxed enough and focused on inner sensations, try to imagine how a green light comes out of the chest area where Anahata is located.

It forms into a ball that spins and literally envelops your body. You feel warmth on your hands, face, legs and other parts of the body that are in contact with this green energy.

Stay in such a relaxed and pleasant state for about five minutes, just focus on internal sensations, you should not look at the clock and note the time. So you will go astray, and all efforts will be in vain.

So, after you realize that enough minutes have passed, visualize how this ball returns back to the heart chakra area.

Feel how the energy spreads throughout the body, after which, inhaling, open your eyes. Just do not immediately get up and take on some business. Give yourself the opportunity to be in this state.

For the best effect, you can find special music for opening Anahata, or just some meditative music that does not annoy you.

How to open the heart chakra through meditation?


You can do the same as in the previous version, only present a slightly different picture. For example, that you are walking across the field and feel that you are cold.

The cool wind is quite unpleasant and you are looking for shelter. In the distance you see a small church, go to it. You open the door and go inside. It’s very warm, light and cozy. You are instantly seized with a state of peace.

You look at the stained glass windows and the paintings on the walls. After, having warmed up, you look out into the street, and there it is sunny and warm. You continue on your way, already in a joyful mood.


  • In addition to meditation, the opening of the heart center will provide enhanced work on yourself and your limitations. Learn to be aware of what you are doing and why. What do you want to achieve and what to get.
  • For fears and anxiety, you can get detailed information by clicking here.
  • Get a pet. Especially if you do not have a partner and a loved one with whom you could share sorrows, joys and sorrows. Hugs help release oxytocin, the happy hormone. Just like touch. The more often you give love, the more actively Anahata will be opened, and the more love you will receive in return.
  • positive affirmations. These are statements that act on the subconscious due to the fact that they are often repeated aloud. Thus, literally programming a person depending on the meaning invested in them. Check out this article for information on how to make and create your own affirmations. Just remember, for you they should be with a message about love.
  • Mantras. Opening Anahata is best done by chanting the Yam mantra during meditation. This helps to clear the mind and activate all centers of the energy system.


Practice to keep the heart chakra open and fully developed. This will help you feel inner strength, you will have access to resources that will help you cope with various life difficulties and tasks. And the feeling of harmony, fullness will not hurt anyone.

Good luck and accomplishments!

Also, we recommend reading an article about opening the throat chakra. She is responsible for communication and inspiration of a person.

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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