How to open dried nail polish

How to open dried nail polish

If you do not know how to open a varnish that has been closed for a while and the lid is now dry, use one of the three methods given. Simple tips will help you cope without assistance.

How to open nail polish: method one

To use this method, you will need:

  • a cup or other small container;
  • hot water;
  • elastic.

Instead of an elastic band, you can use a cloth or towel.

To open the nail polish, soak the cap in hot water

After filling the container with hot water, you need to lower the bottle with varnish so that the lid is submerged under the water, and the contents remain above the surface. After 3-5 minutes, the hardened mass will soften, then the cap can be easily unscrewed. If the cover is difficult to hold when turning, you can wrap an elastic band around the cover or use a towel to strengthen the hold.

How to open dried varnish using chemical compounds?

If the varnish has dried at the junction of the bottle and cap, then it can be removed with acetone or nail polish remover. It is necessary to moisten the cotton swab with the selected product and leave it at the junction of the elements. After a couple of minutes, the cap should rotate. Before closing, the bottle must be cleaned of varnish residues by carefully processing the junction.

How to open the varnish if the previous methods did not work

When nothing helps to open the dried varnish, it remains to resort to the last method – physical force. To do this, you need to hit the junction of the bottle with the cap on the edge of a hard surface several times. On impact, the varnish film that prevents opening should come off. It will be easier to unscrew the cover if you use pliers.

How to prevent the varnish from drying out?

To avoid problems with the varnish opening, it is better to prevent it from drying out. To do this, you need to follow the storage rules:

  1. Store jars of nail polish in a cool place away from direct sunlight and heaters. High temperature degrades structure, color and speeds up drying.
  2. The vials must be in an upright position so that the varnish does not flow into the place where the cap is screwed on. The contents need to be mixed periodically.
  3. Before tightening the lid, you need to clean the neck of the jar from the varnish. This will ensure free movement of the connecting elements.

With proper storage, containers with nail polish will always be easy to open, and the coating will retain its original color and properties.

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