How to open and pour champagne beautifully: my life hacks

How much I have already written and told you about champagne. But here again I found a reason – soon a friend’s wedding and I was appointed the head of the beautiful serving of champagne. To effectively surprise guests. I think you will also find this information useful. If not for a wedding, then for the closest and dearest.

What glasses are suitable for champagne

Champagne is traditionally a “holiday” drink. Etiquette will help create a mood, emphasize the solemnity and significance of the moment. If you serve champagne correctly and in an original way, the impressions of the guests will be preserved for a long time.

Russians are accustomed to champagne glasses called “flute” or “flute”. It is characterized by a narrow cone-shaped bowl. The volume varies between 180-300 ml. Such a configuration preserves the taste and aroma of the drink well, and does not allow it to quickly “run out of steam”.

It is the “flute” glasses that the vast majority of Russians raise to the chiming clock.

Europeans prefer a goblet. Its bowl is small and wide, very similar to a saucer. Volume – 120-240 ml. Champagne in glasses runs out of steam quickly, drinking from it is not particularly convenient, but they look very impressive in a pyramid and at themed parties.

A goblet looks spectacular, but drinking from it is not particularly convenient.

The “tulip” glass has a noticeably shorter stem than the first two options. The “pot-bellied” bowl at the base gradually narrows upwards. This shape allows you to fully experience the aroma and taste of the drink, while keeping the bubbles for a long time.

A tulip glass is used relatively rarely, although sommeliers recommend it.

Do I need an ice bucket for champagne bottles

Champagne is drunk cold. The optimum temperature for its supply is 8-10ºС. A special bucket will help to cool and maintain the desired temperature, so for those who wish to comply with the rules of “alcohol etiquette”, this is a necessary accessory.

In addition, its presence is a very important aesthetic point of serving. There are a variety of options on sale – from budget plastic ones to elite ones made of crystal and precious metals.

Important! The bucket is filled with more than just ice. In addition to it, you need to pour very cold water there and mix lightly. It takes about half an hour to cool a bottle at room temperature.

How beautiful to open champagne

With cotton:

  1. Cool the container strongly (6-8ºС).
  2. Remove the foil and wire (muselet) from the neck.
  3. Holding the bottle at approximately a 45º angle, firmly squeeze the cork with one hand, and rotate the container with the other.
  4. As soon as you feel that the cork begins to move, tilt the bottle even more. This will release the gas that makes the sound.

With “shot”:

  1. Shake the bottle lightly.
  2. Remove foil and muzzle.
  3. Holding the cork a little, just let it escape from the neck.

A “shot” with minimal participation of the opener is easy to organize if, by removing the foil and muzzle, and simply putting the bottles on the table. No need to refrigerate before! Soon, having warmed up, they will “shoot” on their own.

The main thing is that the bottles should not be too cold initially, otherwise you can’t wait for their “spontaneous” opening. And immediately keep in mind that the tablecloth may not suffer in the process, but the ceiling may well.

How beautiful to pour champagne

A pyramid of champagne glasses is a very spectacular sight. Ordering it from professionals is quite expensive, so I advise you to figure out if you can do it on your own.

In addition to wine glasses – “cups”, glasses for martini and Margarita are suitable for building a slide. Their number must match the number of guests. Of course, more is possible, but if there is less, it will turn out very inconvenient.

The required number of bottles is calculated based on the volume of glasses and their number by simple mathematical operations. You can not do when building a pyramid without a large stable table and tray. Any themed decor is definitely welcome.

I act like this:

  1. Having decided on the shape of the base (square or triangle), I draw a diagram.
  2. I expose the lowest tier as evenly and densely as possible.
  3. I continue to build the slide so that each glass rests on 3 or 4 below it.
  4. I complete the “construction” with a single glass on top.

I recommend filling glasses slowly and carefully. This way you can get by with a minimum of splashing.

I advise you to keep the bottle higher above the pyramid, so as not to ruin the entire structure with an awkward movement.

Special glasses for champagne allow the drink to “show itself” in the best possible way, so special attention should be paid to their choice. Its original presentation is not so difficult, but it looks very impressive.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health. Take care of yourself!

What glasses do you prefer to drink champagne from? How do you open a bottle? As spectacular as possible or vice versa, do you prefer the “no noise and dust” option, that is, without splashes and pops?

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