There is no person who has never tasted coconut at least once in his life, since products with the addition of coconut flakes or milk are commercially available in any supermarket. But not everyone can boast that he was lucky enough to taste such exotic in natural form. Having bought an unusual fruit for the first time, most people do not know how to get to its contents, that is, how to crack a coconut. Indeed, the nut has a very hard and thick skin. You don’t know how to approach.
How to open a coconut at home
First, wash it and only after that start extracting tasty liquid and fragrant pulp from the inaccessible fruit. Throwing the fruit on the floor, or having the strength to hit it with a hammer, is not a good idea, since splitting the coconut this way you will lose precious liquid. First you need to extract it.
The most vulnerable spot in a nut is its dark eyes. Find them on the dark, fibrous surface of the shell and pierce with a knife, nail, or drill. Pour gently into a prepared container. You can drink milk using a tube by sticking it into the hole.
To split, you need a large knife. Mark on the nut a place closer to the eyes and hit it with the blunt side of the knife. At this point, the shell is not so hard and easily cracks. Insert a knife into it and cut the fruit in half, after which you can split it into as many pieces as you need.
There is another effective way to break open a coconut. Place the fruit in a preheated oven and hold it there for about 10 minutes. The “shell” becomes less dense and easy to open.
As you can see, there is nothing complicated in how to open a coconut at home.
By the way, not everyone will like the specific taste of milk, but for hostesses who love to pamper homemade gourmet pastries, coconut flakes are a real find.
How to eat coconut is up to you. If the pulp does not separate well from the walls, it is cut into small pieces with a knife, vegetable cutter, or simply scraped out with a spoon.
Too tough flesh means the coconut is overripe. It is advisable to use it for culinary purposes by preparing the shavings with a grater.
Cookies, buns, cakes with the addition of coconut pulp turn out to be unusually fragrant, airy and tasty, and you cannot imagine a better sprinkling for baking than shavings!
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