How to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew – 5 best ways

Many have come across a situation where you need to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew without spilling the contents. Knowing a few simple ways, this problem can be solved in a couple of minutes almost anywhere: at home, during a picnic, or just on the street. And there are tricks available even to girls.

1. Push the plug. Remove the protective foil from the bottle, put a coin on the cork and push it inside the bottle with your finger. Disadvantage: only physically strong people can do this.

Alternatively, tap water pressure is used. The neck is brought to the tap and the water is opened, the cork begins to slowly move down. In these few seconds, it is very important not to miss the moment when it is time to turn off the tap, otherwise you will have to drink wine diluted with water.

2. Hitting the bottom of the bottle. Fill a plastic bottle with water, then with its middle part apply rhythmic blows to the bottom of the wine bottle. The cork will slowly come out. In this way, even girls easily open wine.

You can also attach a thick book to the wall (to soften the blow) and knock the bottom of this book. Bottles with a concave bottom open quickly, the cork begins to move immediately after several gentle blows.

The French are accustomed to opening wine without a corkscrew in the elegant way shown in the video. All you need is shoes without heels. In order not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the bottle, it must be clean and not smell.

When hitting the bottom, carefully watch the cork, if it flies out completely, the wine will spill. It is better to knock out the cork to the middle, and then remove it with your hands. Hitting too hard with a hard object can damage the glass of the bottle.

3. Screwdriver, screw, pliers. A favorite method of home craftsmen who never part with their tool. First, a screw or self-tapping screw is screwed into the cork with a screwdriver to the middle, then the cork is pulled out with pincers (pliers) for the screwed screw. A homemade corkscrew is very effective, however, during a feast, the necessary tools are not always available.

How to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew – 5 best ways
Builders Method

4. Beat off the neck. An old way that I don’t recommend using. Even if glass is not visually visible in wine, this does not mean that it is not there. Microscopic pieces invisible to the eye can get into the glass and injure the oral cavity and esophagus at the first sip.

5. Order a corkscrew from taxi drivers. Now you can buy almost everything through a taxi. Call any service and place an order, after a few minutes the problem with opening the bottle will be solved. You don’t have to be smart or invent anything.

PS If you remembered about the lack of a corkscrew in another store, I advise you to buy wine with a screw cork, a corkscrew is not required to open it.

How to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew – 5 best ways
Screw caps open by hand

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