How to not have a hangover? There is one thing you must do right before going to bed

The best way to get over a hangover? Avoiding Alcohol! However, if you cannot imagine a party without a glass of your favorite drink, you should always know moderation. There are also some tricks that will help you minimize or avoid hangovers during the party. What you do before going to bed is also important. Thanks to this, you can save your morning!

  1. The most effective way to deal with a hangover is to avoid alcohol or consume it in reasonable amounts
  2. Even before going to a party, you should prepare to drink alcohol. First of all, it is worth eating a hearty meal that will fill us for hours
  3. During the party, we should not drink more than one drink per hour. It is also important not to smoke. In combination with alcohol, they almost always cause a hangover
  4. Before going to bed, drink a glass of water. If you need to eat something, try fruit and vegetables or juices and smoothies, for example
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Nothing protects us from a hangover like moderate drinking. If you’re at a party, you should average one drink per hour. Dr. Laura Veach, director of the addiction research program at the Wake Forest School of Medicine, gives reasons why it is so important. The specialist notes that the liver usually takes about an hour to process one drink. “If you drink more, you will probably wake up in a terrible state” – warns the expert.

Drinking moderation is not the only way we can minimize the effects of the next day’s party.

How To Avoid A Hangover?

You should start preparing for drinking alcohol well before going to the party. Among other things, what you eat is important. Experts point out that before the event, we should reach for a hearty meal that will provide us with a feeling of fullness for long hours. “When you drink alcohol on an empty stomach, it just goes directly into your gut and then gets absorbed into your bloodstream very quickly,” explains Dr. Robert Swift, associate director of the Brown University Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies. This means that you will get drunk much faster and the morning will be a real torment for you.

Do you know that…

kudzu root can relieve hangover symptoms? You can buy a supplement with this ingredient at Medonet Market.

During the party itself, you should also pay attention to what you eat and drink and how much you consume it. Better if you reach for wine, beer or drinks. This is because it takes a little longer to drink them than to empty a glass of vodka. This way you will slow down the percentage absorption rate a bit. Also, try to avoid cigarettes, which in combination with alcohol will almost always cause a hangover the next day.

What you do before going to bed is also important. You’ve probably heard that to avoid a hangover, you need to reach for plenty of water before going to bed. There is a grain of truth in this. However, remember not to overdo it with the amount of water. This can overburden your body. Therefore, it is enough for you to drink a glass of water after returning from the party. Put the other one on the bedside table to reach for it right after waking up or while sleeping when you feel thirsty.

Also, be careful about what you eat before going to bed. “I would suggest avoiding foods that trigger gastrointestinal symptoms (especially acid reflux / heartburn),” warns nutritionist Cara Harbstreet. The expert means, first of all, fatty and spicy dishes. Instead, we should reach for, for example, fruits and vegetables with a high water content (watermelons, tomatoes, cucumbers). We can also drink a juice or smoothie that is rich in antioxidants.

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