How to normalize the intestinal microflora during a diet

The very word “weight loss” can cause stress for many of us, because it is associated with discomfort, strict restrictions, grueling workouts and compliance with a strict diet. Is it possible to achieve the desired forms without unnecessary sacrifices and efforts? It turns out that this is quite real, it is enough to establish the proper functioning of the intestine.

What are pre-and probiotics?

In the intestine, there is not only the digestion of food, the assimilation of nutrients and the elimination of toxins and toxins. In addition, it is responsible for a cheerful state of health, strong immunity, good appearance and a slim figure. How well the intestine copes with its tasks, first of all, depends on the state of its microflora – and to be more precise, the balance of pre – and probiotics.

Since these concepts are often confused, we will make a little clarity. Prebiotics are non-digestible dietary fibers that properly stimulate the intestinal microflora and provide nutrition for beneficial microorganisms. Sources of prebiotics are thermally unprocessed vegetables and fruits, as well as some types of cereals. No wonder nutritionists recommend to focus in your diet on such products.

However, many people on a diet face the fact that an increase in the consumption of dietary fiber leads to a result far from the desired. Instead of losing pounds, many complain about the beginning of digestive problems – bloating, heaviness in the stomach, constipation. The thing is that in a well – coordinated work, in addition to prebiotics, another group of “inhabitants” of the intestine-probiotics-plays an important role. They absorb prebiotics and help our body get the most out of them.

Why take pre-and probiotics

Due to the importance of these beneficial bacteria for gut health, nutrition experts recommend paying special attention to probiotics and including them in your diet.

Probiotics regulate the speed and quality of metabolism, which is why their deficiency, otherwise called dysbiosis, leads to a whole complex of troubles not only with health, but also with appearance. Excess weight and poor skin condition (acne) are the most common “companions” of intestinal imbalance.

Widely advertised fermented milk products with “live” cultures are often not a solution to the problem, because to restore the microflora, probiotics are needed with the content of useful microorganisms in the amount of at least one billion at a time. The amount of bacteria in most fermented milk products is too small compared to the recommended dosage.

The intestine is a whole system, the individual elements of which function successfully only when they are in balance. The right combination of pre-and probiotics improves lipid metabolism, thereby promoting weight loss, and helps maintain a high level of metabolism. It is a good metabolism that allows you to maintain the result of the diet for a long time. The well-coordinated work of pre-and probiotics ensures proper intestinal peristalsis-thanks to which there is a timely elimination of all that our body does not need. Thus, a healthy intestinal microflora ensures optimal physical fitness and allows you to feel full of strength and energy.

The balanced combination of lacto-and bifidobacteria in the multiprobiotic LACTOBALANCE® contains 3 billion probiotic microorganisms that contribute to the restoration of their own intestinal microflora. It includes a special group of lactobacilli L. Gasseri, which has a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism and weight loss, which has been proven in the course of research by Japanese scientists. 1 As a source of probiotics, LACTOBALANCE® is recommended during and after a diet, as well as after taking medications that violate the natural intestinal microflora, including during and after taking antibiotics. The probiotic complex restores the balance of the intestinal microflora and normalizes its work.

Unlike many other probiotics and fermented milk products, LACTOBALANCE® does not require storage in the refrigerator, it is convenient to take with you.

Let the life seethe, not the stomach!

More information about LACTOBALANCE® can be found on the official website

[1] Kadooka Y. Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055 in fermented milk on abdominal adiposity in adults in a randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Nutrition (2013), 110, 1696-1703.

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