How to neutralize bad odor

How to neutralize bad odor

Each apartment has its own unique aroma: sometimes it is the smell of fresh baked goods and clean linen, but sometimes there are unpleasant notes in the air of your home that you want to get rid of. It is not easy to neutralize the unpleasant smell of cigarettes, mold, burning or dampness, but there are still ways to help return crystal freshness to the air in the apartment.

How to neutralize odor? Fresheners will not help unless the source is eliminated.

We eliminate unpleasant odors in the apartment

It is easy to neutralize odors if you know what the source is. Odor neutralizers in the form of an aerosol will help clear the air. Not to be confused with air fresheners!

And what if the whole apartment smells? Do a general cleaning:

  • Remove and wash or dry-clean curtains, furniture covers and other textiles: fabrics have the ability to absorb and retain odors.

  • Carpets should be thoroughly cleaned with special cleaning agents.

  • Unscrew the bulbs from the lighting fixtures and wipe them with a damp cloth. Often, cigarette smoke settles on the lamps, when they are turned on and heated, the smell spreads throughout the apartment.

  • Check ventilation grilles, change or clean ventilation filters.

How to neutralize mold odor? It is necessary to fight the root cause: clean the surfaces affected by the fungus, and treat them several times with special fungicidal agents.

Wet cleaning of the entire room will help neutralize the unpleasant odor.

Professional means of combating unpleasant odors

If general cleaning turned out to be powerless, professional methods of struggle will come to the rescue:

  • Dry fog treatment. Cleaning companies offer a service of cleaning apartments with treatment with special smoke, the aroma of which you choose yourself. The procedure takes no more than 2-3 hours; you will not need to take out the furniture from the apartment.

  • Devices with a photocatalytic filter. Such devices help not only eliminate odors, but also fight viruses and allergens. Photocatalytic filters are installed in high-tech air washes or in medical recirculators. Both devices are safe and can be used in the presence of a person.

  • Ozonizer – a device that generates active oxygen, eliminates unpleasant odors in the air as effectively as a photocatalytic filter, but during its operation you need to leave the room.

There are many ways to eliminate unpleasant odors, but remember: if you do not eliminate the root cause of their occurrence, any methods of struggle will only give a temporary effect.

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