How to name constants in Excel?

Excel allows you to assign names not only to cells and ranges, but also to constants. A constant can be both text and numeric values. In this lesson, you will learn how to assign a name to a constant in Microsoft Excel.

Suppose you use some immutable values ​​in your work. Let it be the density of gasoline, kerosene and other substances. You can enter the values ​​of these quantities in specially designated cells, and then refer to these cells in formulas. But this is not always convenient.

In Excel, there is another way to work with such values ​​- to give them meaningful names. Agree that the names plGasoline or plkerosene easier to remember than 0,71 or 0,85. Especially when there are dozens or even hundreds of such values.

The name of the constant, like the name of the area, is assigned using the dialog box Create a name. The only difference is that in the field Range you must enter the value of the constant.

Learn more about naming using the dialog box Create a name You can learn from the tutorial How to name a cell or range in Excel.

Click here OK, the name will be created. Now if you enter the following formula into a cell = plGasoline, it will return the value of the constant.

Constant names are not displayed in the field First name, because they don’t have an address and don’t belong to any cell. But you will be able to see these constants in the formula auto-completion list, since they can be used in Excel formulas.

So, in this lesson, you learned how to assign names to constants in Excel. For more information on naming, read the following articles:

  • Introduction to cell and range names in Excel
  • How to name a cell or range in Excel?
  • 5 Useful Rules and Guidelines for Creating Names in Excel
  • Name Manager in Excel

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