Parents often think about how to name a child even before conception. After all, astrologers, numerologists and other parapsychologists are sure that a person’s name greatly influences his entire destiny.
“What will you call your son?” – I bored my friend, who was about to give birth to a second baby.
“Do not know. I decided I needed to look him in the eye. Then I will immediately understand who is in front of me, ”she answered me patiently.
Someone chooses a name for the child in honor of their ancestors, someone is guided by the calendar, someone looks in the eyes, and someone calls the baby in honor of celebrities – after all, the name definitely served them well. Woman’s Day has compiled its rating of names that will surely be very popular this year.
This name has become incredibly fashionable among the stars. That is how Polina Gagarina named her daughter, Oksana Samoilova and Dzhigan named the third girl, Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky chose him for their daughter. And since we often take an example from the stars, we predict – Miy will be added this year.
Meaning of the name: Miya is a name of Swedish origin. Translated means “rebellious, stubborn.”
It is not yet clear who will be born to Kate Middleton – the press service of Kensington Palace has not declassified the sex of the third child of the royal couple. But journalists are sure: a girl will be born, who will be named after the mother of Prince William. Diana – well, that’s a great name. True, it did not bring much happiness to the princess. But people loved her, that’s for sure.
Meaning of the name: translated from Latin means “divine”. By the way, the diminutive of Diana is Dina.
Princess Diana, Princes William and Harry
This name, according to independent researchers, has become the most popular all over the world. Children are called Sophia in Europe, Latin America, and, of course, in Russia. Moreover, according to the capital’s registry office, this name has become the most popular in our country over the past decade. Following Sofia in the top – Maria and Anastasia.
Meaning of the name: wise – translated from Greek, and so everyone knows that. But few people know that Sophia is the female aspect of the male name Vasily. Moreover, a more divine aspect.
Anna Evers has become one of the best models of 2017, and she is only predicted to strengthen her position in the ranking of top beauties. By the way, she is called the new Brigitte Bardot. And the similarity, I must admit, really is: a blonde with capricious lips and a shock of unruly hair. And the name, which pleases, is familiar to the Russian ear.
Meaning of the name: a name of Hebrew origin has two meanings at once. The first is graceful, pretty. The second is grace, merciful. And among the affectionate abbreviations – Nyusha, Asya, Nyura and Nyusya. There is no place more comfortable.
Just look how many celebrities we have named Xenia. Borodin, Alferova, Rappoport, Strizh and Novikova – continue yourselves. And all, after all, as if by selection, beautiful, successful. Maybe the name karma really works? And it sounds great – the fashion for traditional names is back again.
Meaning of the name: experts have not decided on its origin. Ksenia is translated in different ways: according to one of the versions – hospitable, according to the other – a wanderer, a guest, a foreigner.
Emily Ratajkowski is another modeling star who is now at her zenith. The girl is liberated, known for her bold and even somewhat shocking pictures. Emily still sounds a little strange, but Emilia is the very thing.
Meaning of the name: Emilia has very deep roots, going back to the very antiquity. The name translated from Latin means “diligent, strong, strong.” According to another version, this name comes from Ancient Rome and means “rival”.
Olga Buzova can be safely called the person of the year. Who else managed to fly up like this on their own divorce and a broken heart? The most popular stories all over Instagram, 12 million subscribers, crowds of fans chanting “Few halves” – this is a success. Well, time will heal a broken heart, this is a fact established by history.
Meaning of the name: and there are also two versions. If we assume that Olga was borrowed from the Scandinavians, then it means “holy, sacred, bright, wise.” And if this is an ancient Slavic name, then “sunny, good, great.” Fine, whatever one may say.
We are not talking about Vodianova, although she is a more than worthy example. According to MAXIM magazine, Natalya Rudova headed the top 100 sexiest women in Russia, beautifying Vera Brezhneva, Anna Semenovich, and other recognized beauties of the country. So Natasha will definitely not be deprived of beauty.
Meaning of the name: translated from Latin – “native”. And that’s all. Briefly and clearly. By the way, among the diminutive versions of Natalia are Tusya, Tata and even Nalya. Mi-mi-mi.
Irina Shayk is a dream girl. Not only did she herself more than once topped the lists of the most beautiful, successful and desired women on the planet, but she also conquered the heart of the sexiest man in the world (according to one of the 2015 tops) Bradley Cooper. According to eyewitnesses, this once convinced bachelor from Irina is simply crazy.
Meaning of the name: from ancient Greek it is translated as “peace, rest”. Irina’s mother has a chance of a restful sleep, even if the child is very small.
Jennifer Lawrence will star in one of the most anticipated films of the year, Dark Phoenix. This is another part of the X-Men franchise. Jennifer is slated to play Raven Darkholme, aka Mystic. However, Oscar-winning Jennifer Lawrence is already very popular – the main role in “The Hunger Games” has done its job.
Meaning of the name: wow, how exciting. Translated from Prakeltic means “white sorceress” or “light”. Cool, yeah?
Irina Shayk and Bradley Cooper
This name was called the most popular in the entire history of mankind. In English-speaking countries, almost every twentieth newborn baby is called Linda. Perhaps, the fashion for this name will come to our country. It is not without reason that it is so popular all over the world.
Meaning of the name: it’s Complicated. There are a lot of versions. According to some reports, Linda is a name of German origin and means “tender”. According to others, it comes from Norway and translates as “snake”. Still others are sure of Linda’s Spanish roots and interpret him as “beautiful”. And from ancient Greek it is translated as “beautiful woman.”
One of the most beautiful star couples, Anna Kournikova and Enrique Iglesias, this year became the parents of twins, a boy and a girl. The boy was named Nicholas. And given the popularity of this couple, one can safely predict a surge of interest in Nicholas around the world.
Meaning of the name: “Winner of the nations.” So, and not otherwise, this name is translated from Greek. Strong, very strong.
Even Maria Kozhevnikova, who considers herself very picky when it comes to choosing male names, considers this name wonderful. Not to mention the fans of Maxim Vitorgan. The popularity of the actor has only been growing lately – many note his brutality, which suddenly came to the fore after Maxim was seriously interested in sports.
Meaning of the name: translated from Latin means “greatest”, no more, no less.
Anna Kournikova with a newborn baby
Yes, the fascination with old names has affected the boys as well. This name is associated primarily with the high-browed ancient Greek philosopher. But there are already enough famous people named Plato among our contemporaries. It’s just that their fame is not at all scandalous – they are athletes, academics, historians and poets.
Meaning of the name: The name has Greek roots and means broad-shouldered. If interpreted more freely, it is both “strong” and “reliable”. In general, a very masculine name.
Not only Harry Galkin, who touches millions of fans of the star couple, but also Harry Styles. This 23-year-old British actor and singer has rapidly burst into the ratings of the most attractive men in the world. Frontman of One Direction, if you’re not in the know.
Meaning of the name: “Rich homeowner”, “head of the house”, “lord of the courtyard.” They say all Harry’s are incredibly talented (especially those born in winter). And happiness in marriage awaits them.
The son of Philip Kirkorov is not a child, but just an angel. Handsome, talented, affectionate. In general, just a picture, not a baby. We will not be surprised that Phil’s fans and children will be named, following the example of an idol. So what? Nice name.
Meaning of the name: quite, by the way, belligerent. Martin is rooted in ancient Rome and means “dedicated to Mars”, the god of war.
This name has been at the top of the charts in the registry offices of our country for several years already. And not even the first decade – very often Sasha’s sons began to be called back in the 90s. Since then, the name has lost ground a little, Artyoms and Maxims are coming on the heels of Alexandra. But to catch up – they have not yet caught up.
Meaning of the name: protector of people. This is how the meaning of Alexander is translated from ancient Greek.
British actor Benedict Cumberbatch, despite his not at all glossy appearance, has been in the top ratings of the most attractive men in the world for several years. He manages to overtake even such handsome men as Orlando Bloom or Johnny Depp. And on some charts – even Robert Pattinson.
Meaning of the name: translated from Latin means “blessed”. They say Benechki are calm, kind and very positive boys.
Jamie and James
Two more recognized handsome men at the end of the last (and even the beginning of this) year – Jamie Dornan and James McAvoy. The first unconditionally topped all the ratings of the most charming men on the planet. The second is literally a couple of positions behind. Dornan, we recall, became famous for his role in “Fifty Shades”, and McAvoy’s career went up after participating in the X-Men franchise. And when he got pumped up for the role of a mixfighter in the film “Glass”, he became a dream in general.
Meaning of the name: these are all variations of the biblical name Jacob. Or Jacob, as you like. Means “next on the heels”. They say the James are real idealists. And they are also very demanding of others.
Aidan Turner is that cute dwarf from The Hobbit that even the red-haired elf couldn’t resist. It’s actually not small at all – 183 centimeters. And very, just very popular. In 2016, he was even named the sexiest man of the year by the British GLAMOR.
Meaning of the name: Irish roots awarded Aiden with the interpretation of “fire”. Boys with a quick temper.