How to motivate your husband to lose weight

For men, the problem of being overweight is not in the first place in terms of importance, but this does not mean that they do not care about their own appearance and health. It is generally accepted in society that losing weight is a woman’s topic, so men postpone weight loss as far as possible. Sometimes they call it in other words – “dry out”, “make a relief”, “pump up”. Whatever words a man uses, it is important for health to bring the weight back to normal.


Discussion of the problem

When a person realizes his problem, he begins to act. You can casually talk about the consequences of being overweight, read the article in the presence of your husband. Do not forget to also mention how excess weight affects the heart, joints, can cause problems with impaired “masculine strength”, etc. This is a good option if it is not customary in your family to openly discuss problems (calorizer). If in a family the husband and wife communicate on equal terms, then ordinary conversation will be much more effective.

Express your concern about your husband’s health, tell us about your feelings and fears – that sweets and excess weight lead to diabetes, smoked products contain harmful carcinogens, that mortality from heart attacks among men breaks all records. Tell your husband that you want to live a long, active and happy life, and you want to improve your diet and become more active. Do not impose, but offer to start together.

Practical steps of the wife

Dear ladies, you know like no one else that extra pounds come from low physical activity and, of course, from overeating. You need to do the following:

  1. Make a shopping list of weight loss products;
  2. Establish a comfortable diet, limiting junk food as much as possible;
  3. Every evening after work, go for a walk with my husband;
  4. Offer to go in for sports together.

Your task is to provide your husband with all-round support, but not to put pressure on him. Don’t expect to continue eating chocolates as long as your spouse has a healthy diet. Show him that you, too, are interested in improving the quality of your life. Introduce dietary changes gradually so that eating is not stressful.


After the first step you have completed, you should tell your significant other that rapid weight loss can be bad for their health.

The beginning of the training process

If your husband’s weight is gradually normalizing, let him start going to the gym, because physical activity strengthens the whole body well. At this stage, do not forget to praise and support your soul mate, or better yet, bounce back with him. Training for women and men has some differences, but for people with spinal problems or other health limitations, there are nuances. Therefore, it is best to start practicing in a safe beginner program and find a qualified trainer.


A competent training program will help your husband to lose body fat faster, increase muscle mass, strength and endurance. The main thing is that throughout the entire process, do not forget about healthy food. Prepare food in healthy ways, do not tease your husband with some “harmful goodies”, so as not to provoke to quit the diet. Avoid baking at home as they are a source of simple carbohydrates and trans fats, use a sweetener instead of sugar, and keep processed foods to a minimum. All alcohol is taboo – it’s empty calories.

A subscription to the club can serve as an excellent gift for the New Year, for the next anniversary or for some other significant date. A gift of sports equipment or a subscription for a massage, a trip to a bathhouse, a sauna, etc. will be good and useful.


Wife support

During the diet, a man may experience a psychological breakdown. Behind the tendency to overeat and inactive lifestyles lie such subtle reasons as lack of experience, suppression of emotions and desires, lack of goals, childhood trauma, and externally imposed beliefs. To charge your husband only with positive emotions and patience, turn on calm music more often, visit cinemas and just walk more in the fresh air. Show your husband that he is not alone and there is always a person nearby to whom he can open up.

If your husband’s endless breakdowns are becoming unbearable, perhaps he should see a psychologist. Food addiction is similar to alcoholism or smoking. It is also not so easy to get rid of it. In the process of evolution, man has mastered many psychological defenses, through which only a specialist can break through.

Help your husband formulate a goal and plan to achieve it. Some wives, based on personal experience, suggest drawing up a schedule in which you need to write the month and the number of pounds lost. This will be additional motivation and will make the husband proud of himself. Similarly, it is worth keeping a training diary, trying to surpass yourself at every workout, be it the weight of the apparatus or the quality of the exercise.


Don’t try to ask too much of your significant other. First, you will remember yourself, how long it took to tune in, and how you felt at the same time. The main thing is patience (calorizator). Just be there, become his partner in goal, support, praise your husband, be proud of him, admire him, say more warm words. You, like no one else, should help him in this difficult matter. Supporting loved ones is the biggest motivation while working on yourself.

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