How to melt chocolate in a water bath? Video

How to melt chocolate in a water bath? Video

Chocolate is one of the popular confectionery materials. You can easily make both figurines and delicate openwork installations from it. And it only seems that the creation of masterpieces from chocolate is a laborious process. In fact, everything is quite simple. However, provided that the chocolate was properly melted.

How to melt chocolate in a water bath?

Chocolate, which is used in cooking to decorate confectionery, must be prepared for work according to certain rules. One of the main conditions imposed on the quality of the original chocolate mass is its uniformity. It is best to melt the chocolate in a water bath. This makes it easier to achieve the desired effect.

How to melt chocolate in a water bath

Outwardly, this process looks like this: put a saucepan in a saucepan with water, turn on the burner and heat the chocolate until it is completely dissolved. However, in fact, you will not be able to melt chocolate like this correctly: it will crumple, burn and lose its unique taste and aroma.

In order to melt chocolate in a water bath, you will need: – two containers (preferably one larger than the other); – water for a quarter of a large capacity; – chocolate; – a spoon.

Experts recommend choosing foreign-made chocolate for melting. This is due to the fact that many different fats are added to this confection in Russia, which complicate the process.

Fill a large container with water and put it on fire, wait for it to boil, and turn off the oven. Let the water cool down and turn on the fire again, but on the smallest setting; his task at this moment is only to maintain the temperature. This is due to the fact that chocolate is not melted at high temperatures. If this condition is not observed and the container with chocolate is placed in boiling water, it will simply turn into a large lump while stirring. The bath does not have to be real.

Remember that different types of chocolate melt at different temperatures. So, for example, in order to melt dark chocolate, the water in the main container should not be hotter than 55 degrees. White and milky require no more than 45 degrees

The chocolate must also be prepared in advance. To do this, break it into pieces or grate it. Otherwise, it will be problematic to melt the tile: it will heat up unevenly, it may burn in places, etc. Do not lay out everything right away, start melting it with a third of the volume. Then slowly add the rest.

Remember to stir the chocolate while melting. This is necessary so that it does not burn and does not acquire an unpleasant taste and smell. After the tile is completely dissolved, mix everything well again so that the mass is more homogeneous.

Things to Consider When Melting Chocolate

When you melt chocolate in a water bath at home, there is always a risk that something will go wrong. And if you see that the mass turned out to be too thick, you should not immediately panic. It is quite possible to remedy the situation. To do this, add a little butter and water to the mixture and mix everything well.

Also remember that after melting the chocolate, you shouldn’t use it right away. For work, it will be suitable only when its temperature is slightly lower than the normal temperature of the human body.

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