How to meet a girl if you are shy

🙂 Greetings to everyone who wandered into my site! Today is a topic for shy guys. If you are reading this article, it means that you have thought more than once how to meet a girl you liked and how to do it correctly. By adhering to these tips, you will increase the effectiveness of communication at times.

It just so happened that the fair sex are increasingly taking the initiative themselves when meeting men. Sociability and relaxedness are undoubtedly very useful qualities.

But nature has endowed men with an offensive character, so they must take the first step. If a guy expects him from a girl, then he is indecisive and suffers from complexes. The weaker sex likes brave guys.

How to date girls if you’re shy

Never be ashamed to go up to a young lady and talk to her. Don’t be in a hurry to worry how she will rate you. First of all, you are a person, and you can be an interesting conversationalist and person. Communicating and getting to know each other is a normal human need. Use this opportunity at any convenient occasion.

Your relaxed demeanor and sense of humor makes you attractive both internally and externally. Not all people can be born super beautiful, but they themselves determine the degree of their attractiveness.

Before you meet a young lady you like, try to attract attention with good manners, interesting conversation with other people, and confident gestures. Before you speak, you better smile at her and pause.

Do not invade your personal space, otherwise you may frighten her away. Stay at arm’s length from her if coming up from the front. If from the side, you can come closer.

Do not be afraid to gesticulate, but do not go too far, otherwise the girl may think that you are hot-tempered and too emotional. Look into her eyes, but not very intently. Make sure your posture is even!

Be confident in yourself!

What should you say to a girl to start a conversation? You do not need to directly say “Let’s get acquainted!” or “I like you.” It is best to start with general phrases or situation-specific questions. Well, don’t forget about the greeting.

Speak not very loudly, but so that she does not ask you again. Do not use obscene words. Communicate sincerely, joke.

At the first meeting, it is important to interest the lady so much that she wants to meet again. Just begging for a phone number and then dumping is a bad idea. Present yourself as a good conversationalist and interesting person.

Then you can invite her to drink coffee in the evening or the next day, and at the same time and get to know each other better.

Don’t ask unnecessary questions such as “Do you have a boyfriend?”, “Where do you live?” or “Who do you live with?” The girl will get the impression that you have come to her with a specific purpose and are trying to find out everything at once.

And the last thing. The best way to get to know each other is to simply act! If you stand in the corner and silently admire the beauties, then you can remain alone until old age.

😉 I hope that these tips: how to meet a girl are useful to you. If you’re not sorry, share this information with a friend on social networks.

It would seem that what is easier: to get to know each other. But many guys begin to be shy in front of the girls, they are shy, not finding the right words. But the female and male halves cannot exist separately from each other. Therefore, you need to know how to meet a girl if you are shy. Timid guys need to know what words to say first to get the girl interested. But there is nothing easier than to say hello to start. And there is no need to be afraid that the girl refuses to listen or there are no topics for conversation.

how to meet a girl if you are shy

Fighting fears

So how do you get to know a girl if you’re shy? You need to know a few rules. First you need to find the reasons for your fears, learn spontaneity in communication from children. If a number of questions arise, just find the answers to them. The girl will refuse – there are others. At the beginning of the conversation, you need to compliment the girl. What to talk about with the subject of your attention? First, find out about the interests of the interlocutor, maybe there are common ones. Having learned about what unites, you should try to make communication easy. A frank relationship can grow from friendship into something more. The main thing in any acquaintance and the beginning of a relationship is to be natural. Saying nice words, shouting about the bright sun and your love at any moment – this can make a guy the most desirable.

How to Talk to Girls if You're Shy

Online dating is a great alternative

If, nevertheless, the constraint is great, and it is not possible to overcome it very quickly, you can start a conversation using the Internet. If everything worked out, the first acquaintance took place, but there is nothing in common, communication is not at all interesting, which means that you need to remain just friends and continue to look for your soul mate. In this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that the usual question “Can I meet you?” The answers of girls can be very diverse. A shy person needs to be prepared for any surprises. It is necessary to consider several options for the girl’s reaction to a clear hint of continuing the relationship. Modest and smart girls usually answer that they themselves are curious about what will come of it. Girls who want to get married, and not find a man who is pleasant in all respects, answer a little boldly that they would like to look at the passport.

how not to be shy girls

Ladies with humor are allowed to get acquainted only if the person offering is charming. Honest and open girls can immediately say in an original way: “I really don’t want to say no, but I don’t know how to lie.” For any answer you need to prepare in advance and not be afraid of it.

Place of acquaintance

Well, now you know what to say during the first meeting, but where and how can you meet a girl? She can be found in a nightclub, on a dating site or on social networks. Girls who want to make new acquaintances come to nightclubs. The atmosphere of such establishments relaxes, makes many shy people bolder. But finding a girlfriend here is not so easy. A timid person will be disturbed by a large number of club visitors. This fact should not be ignored at all. A different audience gathers in the club, and everyone is busy with their own problems. It’s time to think about yourself. You need to look good, be able to dance, follow all the rules of etiquette, be able to stand out favorably among other guys. But the main difficulty is yet to come. There are most men in the club, so more than one girl can claim the girl she likes – the competitor is tough here.

what to say to a girl when meeting

Friends will help

Acquaintance with girls can also happen “acquaintance”. This is not a tautology at all, we are talking about parties and birthdays with your good friends. As a rule, single girls are sure to meet at such fun meetings. Such ladies and guys already have something in common, because they are invited by friends. A friend can make a first acquaintance with a person he likes at the request of a young man. The first step will be taken. Now it’s only the turn for two guys and a girl who met at a party. At the party, everyone is ours, there are no strangers. Therefore, the trust has already been won. In this case, it is necessary to expand the circle of your acquaintances by attending the most diverse events. You need to be active, go to the skating rink, attend concerts and performances, walk in the fresh air. After all, under a lying stone, water will not flow.

On learning

Getting to know a girl when a guy is studying at a college or institute is very easy. Here she stands near the schedule, you can come up and ask what changes have been made to today’s pairs. So, word for word, there is something to say to a girl when meeting, ask for a summary or offer your own, go to a course meeting together. As you can imagine, there are many reasons.


In a team at work, how to meet a girl? Examples lie on the surface: ask for writing materials, go to a cafe, sit down at a table with one of the employees, wish you bon appetit.

I want to meet a girl


If a guy likes to dance even a little, he can go to a dance club. To master many steps, the leader will divide the participants into pairs. This is where you need to not get confused, find the right words. In this case, a banal phrase may come up: “Can I meet you?” With such words, you can start an acquaintance in the gym, where girls also come. If the hall does not find the right option, then you should try to visit the yoga section in the club.

If a guy says: “I want to meet a girl,” and does nothing, they are unlikely to come to him on their own. He must urgently find himself some kind of occupation of interest. Now this is not a problem, besides, a hobby can help in future work. For example, does knowledge of foreign languages ​​or the ability to drive a car interfere? And certainly a lot of beautiful and smart girls are enrolled in such courses. It will be a great opportunity to make new acquaintances.

Be neat!

Sometimes it’s hard to guess where your soul mate will be, where this fateful meeting will take place: in the park, on the beach, in a cafe. In any case, you need to take care of your appearance. After all, a girl also has to make a choice, and if an unshaven, unkempt, bad-smelling young man in wrinkled jeans appears before her eyes, he is sure to fail.

can i get to know you

Success can be achieved if the guy stands out from the crowd. Clothing should be exclusive, even if not very expensive. It should emphasize individuality.

Phrases for dating

To interest a girl, it doesn’t matter what you say. It is important – HOW to speak.

It is quite understandable that the guy should have “homework” with which to start dating:

– Girl, you look so beautiful that it is impossible to pass by.

After these words, the young lady will thank and begin to listen carefully to the gallant interlocutor. Another version of the first phrase, with which acquaintance will definitely begin:

– You have very interesting facial features. I want to chat and maybe learn more about you.

You can even talk directly about how difficult it is to meet girls, that the guy is not an expert in this. The girl will not leave this confession unanswered. Here is the first topic of conversation.

You can become quite straightforward and tell the girl that you liked her. Therefore, there was a desire to come up and talk. The continuation of such a conversation can be a story about yourself, about hobbies, work and interests. In response, the girl will have to start a story about herself.

In addition, the guy should know about what you should never say to the girl you like.

A guy should not be banal, saying the hackneyed words: “Hi! Does your mother need a son-in-law?” etc. You can’t use stupid templates like: “Where is the Eiffel Tower? What city is this?

where and how to meet a girl

Be simple!

Of course, the guy will not immediately master the science of how not to be shy of girls. After all, everything comes with experience. You just need to tune in to the fact that the girl you like is not the president’s wife or the English queen. She is an ordinary person, just like everyone around her. But after all, the guy does not lose the gift of speech when communicating with his sister or mother. It should be easier to relate to the very process of conversation and communication. The girl experiences the same feeling of anxiety and fear as the guy. She is afraid to say something absurd, to look funny. She also needs support when meeting a new person.

dating girls

Rules of etiquette

In any situation, it is important to observe the rules of decency. When greeting someone, you need to get up, a man should always say to the woman first the words “let me introduce myself.” If you see an outstretched hand, you should definitely shake it, while you need to look the person in the eyes and smile.

The rules for shaking hands, the proper greeting, the set of words to add to a simple “hello” or “hello” – all this is set out in the rules of etiquette that every self-respecting guy should learn. This will make him stand out from everyone else. Gallantry has never hurt anyone. Any girl will be pleased when they open the door in front of her, let her go ahead. To be fully equipped and know how to meet a girl, if you are shy, you need to work hard on yourself. Then you don’t have to suffer for a long time and pick up, blushing, the right words.


Simplicity, honesty and openness in communication, spontaneity in expressing one’s feelings within the limits of decency will not leave indifferent any young lady. In this case, it will be absolutely all the same what phrases you will say. After all, it will be sincere and genuine. And this is very much appreciated by all the fair sex.

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  1. Kuanza maongezi na msichana unaempenda.

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