How to marinate fish for frying on the grill: delicious recipes

How to marinate fish for frying on the grill: delicious recipes

Almost everyone knows that seafood dishes are quite healthy, since fish meat contains a complete set of vitamins and minerals, without which the human body simply cannot live normally. The only problem is to cook seafood properly. If you cook it on the grill, then it will retain almost all the nutrients. In addition, the dishes are also delicious. It is also important to know how to marinate the fish before the cooking process in order to increase its taste characteristics.

Fish preparation

How to marinate fish for frying on the grill: delicious recipes

In this case, it is more correct to use chilled carcasses, but in extreme cases, fresh-frozen fish is suitable. The main thing is to defrost the fish wisely.

Before cooking, the carcass is removed from the freezer and placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours. As a rule, this is done in the evening, as by morning the fish will already be defrosted. This will make it possible to preserve the maximum taste and shape in the fish meat, which is very important when frying.

Before preparation, the fish is washed well under running water. Then proceed to butchering the fish. First, they get rid of the head, fins and tail, and then proceed to remove the insides. It is very important to remove the black film, otherwise the dish will turn out bitter.

After that, the fish is again thoroughly washed and, if necessary, cut into pieces, if it is not planned to cook the whole fish.

If you plan to cook barbecue from fish, you will have to get rid of all the bones, including quite small ones. Often this is not possible, therefore, in such cases, fish with a minimum number of bones should be preferred. For barbecue, you will have to cut the fish into pieces no larger than 5 cm. When cooking fish on the grill in the form of steaks, the thickness of the pieces should be no more than 4 cm, otherwise they may not fry.

SHASHLIK from Fish. FISH on Mangala in the MESH in a home style. ENG SUB.

Recipes for marinades

To marinate fish for barbecue, you can choose one of the recipes, since there are not so few of them. If the fish is marinated before cooking, it will acquire a unique taste and aroma.

Classic recipe

How to marinate fish for frying on the grill: delicious recipes

To prepare the marinade, you will need the following products:

  • Pair of medium sized bulbs.
  • One medium sized lemon.
  • About 3 cloves of garlic.
  • Spices and seasonings to taste.

The marinade is prepared as follows:

  • The onion is peeled and cut into half rings or rings. Then the chopped onion is kneaded in a plate with your hands until the juice appears.
  • The garlic is peeled and minced with a garlic press.
  • Onions and garlic are seasoned with spices. You can also add chopped herbs.
  • All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and then pieces of fish or whole fish are rubbed with the same composition.

After these procedures, the fish is left for a couple of hours. During this period of time, the fish will have time to marinate, after which the pieces of fish can begin to cook by laying them on the grill.

It is important to know! If the fish is overexposed on fire, then it will have an unpleasant sour taste.

Alcofan’s carp grill recipe

Dry pickling method

How to marinate fish for frying on the grill: delicious recipes

This method of pickling is more suitable for cooking red fish.

This will require the following components:

  • A couple of sweet bell peppers.
  • A couple of small bulbs.
  • One chili pepper.
  • One lemon.
  • Parsley and cilantro (a little).
  • Olive oil, about 90 ml.
  • Spice.

Then start the cooking process.

  • Vegetables and greens are crushed, after which they are passed through a meat grinder.
  • Spices and vegetable oil are added to greens and vegetables.
  • All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and then pieces of fish are rubbed with the mixture.

On a note! In order for the marinade to better soak the pieces of meat, it is better to cut them with a sharp knife. After that, the fish is left for a couple of hours to soak in aromas and flavors.

In conclusion, the fish is prepared in any way, either on a grill or in foil. In any case, you will get a tasty and healthy dish.

Marinade “liquid”

How to marinate fish for frying on the grill: delicious recipes

A similar pickling method is suitable for preparing river fish with a specific aroma.

For the pickling process, you must have:

  • One medium sized lemon.
  • A glass of plain water.
  • About 90 ml of vegetable oil.
  • One tablespoon of mustard.
  • A couple tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
  • A couple of bay leaves.
  • Spices to taste.

The fish is marinated for at least 2 hours, but you should not keep a lot, otherwise the spices will kill the natural taste of the fish.

After the pickling process, the cooking process begins.

How to make a marinade.

  • Water is put on fire and heated up a little, after which spices with bay leaf are added to it.
  • Lemon zest is also added to the water, as well as lemon juice.
  • Mustard, apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil are also added here. It remains only to mix everything.

Pieces of fish are poured into the finished marinade and aged for several hours. After the marinating process, the fish is grilled or baked in the oven.

Marinade with white wine for fish kebab

How to marinate fish for frying on the grill: delicious recipes

To prepare the marinade, you will have to stock up:

  • Mayonnaise, low-fat, within 100 grams.
  • White wine, about 100 ml.
  • Spices and seasonings for fish.

The cooking method is as follows:

  • Mayonnaise is placed in a deep bowl (on a plate).
  • Spices and seasonings are added to it.
  • In conclusion, wine is poured into the mixture and stirred until a homogeneous consistency.

Pieces of fish are coated with this marinade on all sides and left to marinate for about a couple of hours. After this time, the pieces are put on skewers and sent to the grill.

On a note! If the skewers are greased with vegetable oil, then after cooking they can be easily removed without destroying the pieces of fish.

Marinade with beer

How to marinate fish for frying on the grill: delicious recipes

More suitable for barbecue mackerel.

What products will be required:

  • Garlic, one clove.
  • Sunflower oil, about half a glass.
  • About 60 ml of light beer, fortified.
  • Seasonings and spices to taste.

It is also acceptable to use any ready-made seasonings for meat or fish.

The marinade is prepared in this order:

  • Garlic is peeled and chopped on a grater.
  • Garlic is mixed with spices and seasonings.
  • The whole fish is rubbed with the prepared mass, and the rest of the mixture is placed in the belly of the fish.
  • The fish is cooked on a barbecue grill with regular turning.
  • Beer is taken and mixed with oil and spices in a deep bowl. Every time the fish is turned over, it is smeared on top with this mixture, using a culinary brush for this.

It is very important that the whole skin on the fish remains during the cooking process.

Salmon barbecue marinade

How to marinate fish for frying on the grill: delicious recipes

The volume of the marinade is calculated somewhere around a pound of fish.

You will need the following components:

  • One bulb (small).
  • One clove of garlic.
  • Half a whole lemon.
  • Parsley and dill (in a small bunch).
  • About 50 ml of olive oil.
  • Spices as needed.

Before the cooking process, it is desirable to get rid of the bones, after which they begin to prepare the marinade.

  • Onions and garlic are peeled and minced.
  • Greens are also chopped.
  • The lemon is cut into thin slices and mixed with pieces of fish.
  • Olive oil is added to the spices, after which pieces of fish are poured over this mixture.
  • The fish is left for half an hour to marinate.
  • After this time, pieces of fish are strung on skewers and sent to fry.

The fish is cooked on coals, while it is necessary to ensure that there is no fire, otherwise the fish will burn. After the pieces are evenly fried on all sides until golden brown, the dish can be removed and served.

SALMON on the grill. Caucasian-style FISH BARBECUE. ENG SUB.

Marinated fish, and then cooked on the grill or on the grill in the form of shish kebabs, has an incredible taste and aroma. It is very important not to overdo it with the ingredients so that they do not overshadow the main taste of the fish. The usefulness of such preparation is obvious. You should also not overexpose the fish, because in this case some useful components will evaporate, but at the same time it is desirable that the fish is not damp, otherwise you will not be able to please either your friends or your loved ones with the cooked dish.

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