How to manage stress and lose weight

We all get stressed from time to time. Stress is the body’s natural response to danger. However, in recent years, more and more people have been suffering from chronic stress, which can seriously harm their health.

When we are under stress, a wide variety of processes take place in our body. Stress forces the body to work in a defensive mode – to produce specific hormones, increase the heart rate, increase blood pressure, and slow down the digestion process. All of these changes are designed to help us get out of a potentially dangerous situation.

When we are really in danger, this system is only beneficial. However, when there is no immediate threat and stress develops into chronic stress, this system is ineffective. Many processes accompanying stress have unpleasant side effects: sleep disturbances, weight problems, malfunctioning of the immune system, etc. Among these side effects are an increase in the level of the stress hormone cortisol.

Watch a video on how chronic stress harms us physically.


What is cortisol?

Cortisol is a hormone that the body produces in response to stress and to lower blood sugar levels. Cortisol works to bring our body back to normal after a stressful situation. Besides stress, there are other factors that can increase cortisol levels: lack of sleep, alcohol, and caffeine.

What effect does cortisol have on the body?

Cortisol causes a wide variety of changes in the body. Excessive production of this hormone for a long time can cause negative consequences:

– an increase in blood sugar, and this is a direct path to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen;

– suppression of the immune system, which means that people with increased stress levels can get sick more often;

– weakening of the skeletal system in the long term;

– memory impairment.

How does stress get in the way of weight control?

One of the main side effects of stress is difficulty losing weight. First, cortisol maintains high blood sugar levels, which contributes to the accumulation of fat in the waist area. Secondly, stress can indirectly affect the ability to manage weight due to the overall effect on the body. For example, when we are under stress, we do not sleep well (this, in turn, can also increase cortisol levels!), Choose less healthy foods, forget about regular physical activity – we simply do not have enough energy – and, as a rule, in general, we neglect the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Чcan you do the same?

While we cannot directly affect how much cortisol is released, of course, each of us is able to manage stress, thereby ensuring that we are able to choose healthy foods, get enough sleep and get active. Here are some ways to protect yourself from stress.

  1. Take up meditation or yoga. These practices are some of the most powerful ways to deal with stress. Both meditation and yoga promote deep breathing, which in itself helps relieve stress, relieve tension, and relax muscles (muscles, of course, are also tense due to stress). Try starting with 5 minutes of daily meditation. Here are simple instructions for beginners.
  2. Become aware of your stress, stressful situations and emotions. One of the most important aspects of dealing with stress is acknowledging your negative emotions, as otherwise letting go is nearly impossible.
  3. Keep healthy food on hand. Give yourself the opportunity to make healthy food choices when stress catches you off guard. It is very difficult for many in a state of stress to stay hungry, so often, for lack of better, we are forced to choose unhealthy snacks.
  4. Incorporate regular exercise into your schedule. Regular exercise is a very effective way to relieve stress, improve sleep, and control weight. If you feel on edge, do something that you enjoy and doesn’t necessarily look like exercise, such as dancing or walking with friends.
  5. Put sleep first. This is very important because quality sleep enhances our ability to cope with stressful situations, strengthens the immune system, and also helps to normalize hormone production.

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