How to manage food allergies in your children?

Precautions to be taken in case of food allergy
– As a parent, remember that it is impossible to predict a severe allergic reaction. The immediate entourage of the allergic child must be informed and know what to do in an emergency. Epinephrine (or adrenaline) should be injected in case of a severe allergic reaction.
– Make sure that your child always has an epinephrine auto-injector with him and that he knows how to use it or, if he is still too young, that his daycare or the people who take care of him he still has them in their possession.
– If your child is allergic to a particular food, be sure to let the daycare staff know and plan a strategy to ensure their safety.
– Remind your child that it is risky to trade or share their food.
– It is also important that he wears a bracelet or a card that mentions his allergy and the foods to avoid.
– At the daycare, food, utensils and containers should never be exchanged or shared.
– Work and dining surfaces such as counters or tables should be cleaned thoroughly to remove all allergenic food residues.
– Hand washing is recommended before and after eating.
– During meals, have your child sit near children who are not very turbulent in order to avoid damage and thus increase the risk of accidental ingestion.
– When the child has to eat out or in a restaurant, inform your host or server of their allergies and ask questions.
– Even used utensils or kitchen items may have come into contact with the allergen.
– If in doubt, do not.
sources: Santé et Services sociaux Québec, site consulted online, March 21, 2013: Government of Canada-Healthy Canadians, site consulted online, March 21, 2013: -ad-1_en & utm_medium = cpc & utm_keyword =% 2Ballergies Health Canada-Food Allergies, sites consulted online, March 21, 2013: http: / / Quebec Association of Food Allergies-Allergens, page consulted on March 21, 2013: European Union: DIRECTIVE 2003/89 / CE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL. Page consulted on March 26, 2013: Bitez, Marie-Josée, Théroux, Éric. Outsmart food allergies. Éditions Québec Amérique, 2011.