How to make yourself work in the heat

The hotter it is outside, the harder it is to do things, especially at work. How not to melt in a stuffy metropolis and force yourself to act? Woman’s Day found five ways to improve performance.

One of the reasons for summer laziness is oxygen starvation. Drowsy, dizzy, nothing to breathe, strength at zero … Do you know the sensations? It’s time to cheer up. We put coffee and energy drinks aside, they only give a temporary effect. We go in search of oxygen cocktails. Foamy drinks, familiar to many from children’s sanatoriums, returned to our lives a few years ago. And it is them that doctors recommend to drink in order to activate metabolism, saturate cells with oxygen and even in extreme heat to be in good shape and forget about chronic fatigue syndrome.

Have spent all weekend on the couch, but still went to work exhausted? Not surprising. The more active the rest, the easier the work is given. After two days in front of the TV, it is almost impossible to force yourself to do business. The body will rebel and sabotage. Therefore, you should spend your weekend so that you go to work as if you were on vacation. Do not lie down at home. Have a picnic in the park, wait out the peak of the heat in the shade, and then play ball, badminton, frisbee, go for a walk in the woods, go jogging. You should feel pleasantly tired.

Even if you do not run up the flights of stairs every hour, the working day is calm, measured and in a cozy office, you still sweat. Losing too much precious fluid – and hello, dehydration, tinnitus, lethargy, trembling hands and headache. What a job here.

– In the heat, you need to drink at least two liters of plain non-carbonated water per day, – advises therapist, member of the Russian Society of Cardiology Denis Prokofiev. – If you know that the summer heat can take you by surprise and knock you out of your work rhythm, play it safe. For prevention, drink water with the addition of potassium-containing preparations once a day. They are available in every pharmacy and will help you correct electrolyte balance, avoid overheating, and feel good.

Doctors not in vain advise to be in the sun only at safe hours – before 11 am and after 17 pm. These same time periods are considered to be the most productive for workers. Do you want to be in time for everything? Then do the most important and concentrated work early in the morning, before the city is still hot, and after five in the evening, when the sun is getting weaker. And instead of the usual ten-minute breaks every hour, allow yourself to rest for 15-20 minutes.

The hardest part is to work in the afternoon. Such laziness attacks that at least lie down and sleep. And all because sometimes we turn ourselves into a grilled vegetable. Fatty meats, fried, salty, sweet and smoked foods make us “heavy” and swell. The more difficult the food is to digest, the worse our condition is. In order to fly to the workplace, and not crawl out from the dining table, you will have to revise the menu. In summer, our body does not get tired only of fresh vegetables with a high moisture content, fruits, sour berries, lettuce and greens. So let’s go for cucumbers and apples – and go!

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