How to make your face beautiful?

Scientists from Tel Aviv University have created a program that makes the face of any person in a photograph almost perfect. The Beauty Machine uses a special algorithm to transform an ordinary person’s image into a cover photo.

During the conversion, the algorithm calculates the ratio of certain parameters of the presented face (for example, the width of the nose, chin, distance between the eyes). She then tweaks the image in the photo to make the face more desirable. What is nice, while it is not too different from the original and the person can be recognized even in the edited photo.

To create the program, scientists interviewed 68 men and women from Germany and Israel (aged 25 to 40). They were asked to rate the attractiveness of the faces of 93 people on a scale from 1 to 7 points. These “glasses” were entered into a database and compared with 250 different parameters of human faces.

“Beauty isn’t all that controversial,” says Professor Daniel Cohen-Or, the program’s designer. – She lends itself to mathematical description, like many other things in this life. There are generally accepted ideas about what is beautiful and what is not, which are supported by most people. “

The inventors predict that over time, the program can be “sewn” directly into digital cameras, which will be able to instantly edit pictures, and a person will never see a non-photogenic result. In addition, the creators are confident that their brainchild will soon come in handy. plastic surgeons and publishers of fashion magazines.

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