How to make your breasts beautiful

How to make your breasts beautiful

Alena Vodonaeva – ex-star of the television project “Dom-2”, TV presenter, model decided on plastic surgery. Everyone is increasing, but she is decreasing! Now her luxurious breasts have become half the size – it was the fifth, and became the second size.

The girl dreamed of more modest forms for a long time. What do the others think about such changes? Woman’s Day learned why a curvy bust can be a problem for girls and how important breast size is for men.

Alexander Pukhov, plastic surgeon, doctor of medical sciences, honored doctor of the Russian Federation

Reduction mammoplasty is the name of a breast reduction surgery. Few surgeons undertake such operations. It is considered very difficult and can take several hours. Enlarging your breasts is much easier than shrinking them. But I like to carry out such operations, they, of course, have their own difficulties, but it is in such work that a surgeon can show his professionalism, skill and experience.

Immediately after surgery, the appearance of the breast is not the most attractive. Recovery takes a long time, and the result will be visible only 3-4 months after surgery.

Girls after childbirth or those who have impressive breast sizes from a young age – 5, 6, 7 – are more likely to reduce the size of their breasts. Girls of 18-19 years old have come to me with the problem of gigantomastia more than once. But usually the bust is enlarged more often than it is reduced, a ratio of about ten to one.

Larisa Sladkova, TV presenter, showman

Big, firm breasts are a dream for many women. But there is also a minus in this “wealth”. A lush bust is not only a problem with the choice of clothes, but also an additional load on the spine. Heavy weight may cause back pain. Some exercises are difficult to do during fitness. If this worries a woman, then she reduces her breasts as much as possible.

With age, after the birth of a child, natural female breasts – large or small – lose their elasticity and beauty. Therefore, some women increase it. Why not? This is a personal matter in both cases.

I doubt that Vodonaeva reduced her breasts, which she was always proud of, I think this is another PR. Well, if this is true, then there were health problems. Would I dare to take such a step? Now my chest completely suits me and does not bring any inconvenience. I’m not going to reduce it, but I would not mind increasing it by a couple of sizes. I like big breasts – that’s my fetish.

Elena Ber, director of an image agency, leading fashion projects in the media, teacher of image and style

I am always for change! And for the image to correspond to the life goals of a woman. If she needs big breasts at the moment, please. Pamela Anderson once enlarged her breasts and became the dream of all men. Then she entered another stage in her life, when she no longer needed the love of all the men in the world, she reduced her bust. If you have money, you can do it safely enough. So why not? The main thing is that the person is happy. This is my position in matters of image change.

The third breast size that Alena still has is just right – not small, but not very large either. Women with large breasts do sometimes suffer physically. But some endure for the sake of the admiration of men. Apparently, Vodonaeva already had enough admiration. He wants to be looked into the eyes.

Daria Kuleshova, fashion model, creative partner of the studio-club “Term”

I think that a person changes something in his appearance, either because he is not satisfied with something, or because he wants to try something new.

I would not enlarge my breasts, since I am for naturalness in this matter. And even more so. If there are any health problems – sports to help.

Camilla Dorn, makeup artist

I know firsthand that it is terribly uncomfortable with large breasts. And I generally keep quiet about the selection of underwear. And running? Running is also uncomfortable. But everything that is given to us must be accepted and loved. And all these problems are trifles. There are many more advantages, at least a magnificent bust is very feminine and charming.

Glossy magazines dictate to us the image of the “ideal woman”, and many are chasing it, not realizing that what is beautiful for one person will not be beautiful for another. The constant desire to change something in oneself and “improve” appears most often from complexes or from idleness. But how do you accept yourself as you are? Cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery are good, but only when they are for the benefit of their beauty, and not used as a way to make another person out of themselves.

Breast reduction surgery? I would not have done such an operation. As the owner of a magnificent bust, I know that this size brings a lot of inconvenience, but there are still more advantages. Many girls dream about it, but God gave me, so we need to appreciate it.

Nowadays, breast augmentation is a common thing. I graduated from high school three years ago, and half of my classmates are already the same “Instagram stars”, with the fourth size. I am for naturalness, but if big breasts are a girl’s dream, then why not enlarge them? The main thing is to do it for yourself, and not for the sake of subscribers on social networks.

If there is a need to reduce the breast, then I have nothing against it. Alena Vodonaeva, as far as I know, decided to undergo plastic surgery for breast reduction due to health problems: in one of her interviews she said that her back hurts because of her lush bust. I myself would not have endured this – to wear five kilograms on myself every day.

For a long time already, large, huge breasts have ceased to be the standard of beauty. Plus, I think it’s extremely inconvenient.

Reducing the bust or increasing is the choice of every girl, and we, men, will always love them for who they are. The choice is theirs.

Any girl wants to look her best, and now there are many ways to achieve this. Plastic surgeries are becoming more and more accessible thanks to the development of medicine and credit programs. A person always changes something in his appearance when he has a desire and opportunity.

It is everyone’s business to increase the size of the breast or decrease it. I take this calmly, even with understanding. I am not familiar with those who reduced the bust. But I know a couple of girls who have enlarged their breasts. I would say this: I loved them both before and after the operations.

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