How to make yogurt starter at home? Video
The beneficial properties of fermented milk products have been known for a long time, they strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, and stimulate the absorption of vitamins in the human body. However, yoghurts displayed on store shelves often contain preservatives, dyes and other harmful substances. However, you can try making it yourself. The main ingredient for homemade yoghurt is yoghurt starter. It can be done at home.
Homemade yoghurt starter cultures: video recipe
What you need to make a yoghurt starter
You will need: – 2 liters of milk (any fat content); – dry starter culture; – a two-liter container; – a towel or a large sheet of paper.
Since beneficial bacteria have the ability to acquire a pathogenic nature, wash your hands thoroughly before starting work, and use only clean dishes during the preparation of the starter culture.
You can buy the starter base at the pharmacy. For example, it can be dry starter cultures “Evitalia”, “Narine”, “Lactobacterin”, “Bifidumbacterin”. A substance that contains beneficial live bacteria capable of multiplying is suitable.
Many people advise using commercial yogurt, which is marketed as live, as a starter for yoghurt. But this is undesirable, as it can also bring harmful bacteria into your homemade yogurt, which will develop during the heating process, which can lead to indigestion or even poisoning.
How to make yogurt starter
Boil 2 liters of milk, cool it to a temperature of 37–42 °, then remove the froth from it. Dissolve the purchased starter culture in warmed milk, and then add this mixture to the cooled, boiled milk. Mix the resulting composition thoroughly. Close the container with the contents tightly with a lid. Wrap the utensils with fermented milk with 3-5 layers of thick paper, then wrap it with a thick cloth and set for 11-13 hours to ferment in a warm place (for example, near a heater or battery). Then, after cooling the fermented milk, place it in the refrigerator for two hours. Then you can use the starter to make homemade yoghurt.
You can use the initially obtained sourdough for up to 18 days.
2 liters of ready-made starter culture must be divided into parts: – 2/3 for direct consumption, starting the course of treatment (in case you are going to use yogurt for medicinal purposes); – 1/3 for making new portions of homemade yoghurt, leaving this part of the active starter in the refrigerator.
For the next portions of yoghurt, boil another 2 liters of milk, then cool it down to 37–42 °. Remove the formed foam. With a clean spoon, add 2/3 cup of the active starter culture, then stir and close the container tightly with a lid. Wrap the utensils with fermented milk in 3-5 layers of thick paper, then wrap them in a thick cloth and put them in a heated fermentation room for 8-9 hours. Then put the fermented milk in the refrigerator. After 3 hours, you can eat the finished yogurt. Use the rest of the active starter culture according to the same algorithm, that is, at the rate of 2/3 cup of starter culture per 2 liters of milk.