How to make yogurt in a slow cooker

Yogurt is gaining more and more fans, and many are wondering – how to make yogurt at home without having a special yogurt maker, for example, in a slow cooker? Nothing is impossible, especially since modern multicooker is often equipped with the “Yogurt” function, and if there is none, we will cook without it.


Basically, in order to cook yoghurt in a slow cooker, there are two ways – cook directly in the bowl and then pour it, or cook yoghurt right away in portioned containers – glass jars of approximately the same size or even in plastic glasses. Yogurt recipes can also be roughly divided into those that use dry sourdough, or ready-made live yoghurts.

First you need to decide on milk, because it is the basis of the future useful product. If it is possible to make yogurt from your own market milk, then it must be brought to a boil and allowed to boil for a few minutes, reducing the heat. Of the purchased options, it is better to give preference to pasteurized milk, which has undergone the necessary purification, but has not lost its beneficial properties. You can add cream to increase the fat and thickness of the yoghurt.


You need to buy dry starter culture in a pharmacy – make sure you get it out of the refrigerator, this is where the starter culture for yogurt should be stored, or in specialized stores. A liquid starter can be a glass of any natural yogurt purchased from a store. All dishes in which yogurt will be prepared must be rinsed with boiling water to avoid the ingress of unnecessary bacteria.

Yogurt in a slow cooker – option 1


  • Milk with a fat content of 3,2% – 1 liter.
  • Cream with a fat content of 10% – 200 gr.
  • Natural yogurt – 1 pc.

Mix milk with cream and heat to 40 degrees. Mix with yogurt, pour into containers. Lay a cotton napkin at the bottom of the multicooker bowl, install containers, cover with lids (do not close completely!) Or cling film, pour warm water into the bowl, ideally, so that the water reaches the level of the milk mass in the jars. Close the multicooker and cook in the “Warm” mode for 20-25 minutes. Turn off the multicooker, leave with the lid closed for 5-6 hours. Take out the containers with yogurt, close the lids tightly and send to the refrigerator. Homemade yogurt can be stored for up to five days.

Yogurt in a slow cooker – option 2



  • Milk with a fat content of 2,5% – 1 liter.
  • Dry starter culture for yoghurt – 1 pc.

Pour milk into the multicooker bowl and cook in the “Baking” or “Steaming” mode until boiling, stirring constantly. Turn off the multicooker, let the milk cool to 40 degrees. Pour some milk, mix with dry starter culture and pour into the total amount of milk, mix thoroughly. Cook in the “Warm” mode for an hour, turn off the multicooker and leave for 6-7 hours without opening the lid. Pour ready-made yogurt and add, if desired, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, fresh berries and fruits, honey, nuts, preserves, jams or grated chocolate. In order to prepare the yogurt faster next time, do not season one portion of the finished yogurt with anything, leave it as a sourdough.

Look for new options and ideas for how to make yogurt in a multicooker in our Recipes section.


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