How to make up for the deficiency of zinc in the body
With a deficiency of zinc in the body, our immunity becomes weak and cannot repel the attacks of viruses. In addition, hair, nails, skin suffer … How to properly compensate for zinc deficiency?

Zinc is the most important trace element in the human body, despite its low content – 2-3 grams. The highest concentration of this substance is in the muscles and bones of a person, in the prostate gland and seminal fluid in men. This microelement is necessary for regulating the functioning of more than 40 enzymes in the body, increasing the stability of immune cells, normal brain function and increasing mental alertness.1.

Step-by-step instructions for replenishing zinc deficiency in the body

Zinc deficiency can be extremely dangerous. If there is not enough of this substance in the body, a person will become extremely susceptible to viruses and bacteria, because the immune system simply will not be able to withstand third-party attacks. Zinc deficiency manifests itself faster in women and becomes immediately noticeable. The girls noted that the lack of this trace element affects the appearance of hair and nails, they become brittle, lose their natural shine, and grow worse.

Zinc deficiency is most dangerous during pregnancy2. It can cause a fetal lag in development, lead to developmental abnormalities, or provoke premature labor.3.

Experts do not recommend mindlessly taking drugs with a high zinc content. They say that an excess of a substance in the body can be no less dangerous than its deficiency. Today we will tell you how to make up for zinc deficiency safely, and in what cases you need a doctor’s help.

According to WHO, moderate to mild zinc deficiency is diagnosed in 30-35% of the adult population. It is with him that the development of infectious lesions of the respiratory tract in (16% of cases), malaria (18%), and gastrointestinal pathologies (10%) is associated.

Get tested and get tested

If you suspect a lack of zinc in the body, the patient should consult a general practitioner or therapist. The specialist will listen to the patient’s complaints, collect an anamnesis and refer him for further examination to an immunologist.

The most informative answer allows you to get a study of serum or blood plasma. In this case, it is necessary to take into account possible daily fluctuations that can be traced at 9 am and 6 pm. It is known that the content of zinc in the blood decreases after eating. It is important to take into account such factors when preparing for the delivery of biomaterial and in the course of interpreting the results.

Urinalysis to determine the amount of zinc excreted does not provide an exhaustive picture. The analysis reflects the volume of exchangeable zinc reserves and does not show its amount in the body.

A low concentration of zinc in the blood does not always indicate that there is a lack of this trace element in the body. In some cases, the level of zinc decreases due to inflammatory or infectious processes, stress or excessively intense physical exertion. In these cases, correction is not required; after restoration, the microelement balance will return to normal.

Determine the cause of zinc deficiency

In order for the treatment to be effective and allow you to quickly restore the level of zinc in the blood, you need to find the reason for its decrease. The list of the most common causes that can lead to a decrease in the concentration of a trace element includes:

  • disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • liver pathology;
  • excess content of phytin in food (substance binds zinc);
  • adherence to a strict protein diet;
  • oncological diseases.

In some cases, the reason is the improper use of vitamin supplements. For example, calcium reduces the absorption of zinc by about 50%, while selenium and zinc completely exclude each other’s effectiveness.

Caffeine, alcohol, contraceptives (COCs) reduce the concentration of zinc in the body. Corticosteroids used to treat various diseases work in a similar way.

Normalize your diet and lifestyle

If the zinc deficiency is no more than 5-10% of the lower limit of the permissible interval, proper nutrition will help restore the balance, namely the introduction of certain foods into the diet:

  • oysters;
  • cattle meat;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • sesame;
  • sunflower and chia kernels;
  • nuts;
  • spinach and green salad;
  • chocolate4.

From products of animal origin, zinc is absorbed by the human body much more intensively. That is why the lack of this trace element is twice as likely to be diagnosed in vegetarians.5.

Take prescription medications

If the zinc deficiency is severe, the immunologist may recommend that the patient take dietary supplements containing zinc. The trace element can be present in them in different forms: zinc picolinate, zinc gluconate, zinc sulfate and zinc acetate.

Laboratory studies indicate that it is zinc picolinate that has the maximum bioavailability in comparison with other forms.

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Popular questions and answers

How does zinc deficiency manifest itself in the body?

At the initial stage of development, zinc deficiency is practically asymptomatic and can go unnoticed by a person for a long time. As the deficit becomes moderately pronounced, the following signs appear:

• sleep disturbance;

• reduced quality of night vision;

• worsening of the condition of the skin, nails, hair (their intensive loss is possible);

• loss of appetite;

• apathy;

• increase in the duration of wound healing.

These signs can be important diagnostic markers. Such symptoms may indicate not only the development of zinc deficiency, but also other problems in the body. The sudden appearance and prolonged presence of these signs should be the reason for contacting a general practitioner.

What tests should be done if zinc deficiency is suspected?

The most informative are studies of plasma and blood serum. It is these examinations that should be completed before replenishing the deficiency of zinc in the body. A referral for an examination can be obtained from a general practitioner, family doctor or internist. In some cases, an additional consultation with an immunologist is required.6.

What is the danger of excess zinc in the body?

An excess of zinc is diagnosed quite rarely. Such a condition cannot develop due to excessive intake of the substance together with food. However, the danger of hyperzincosis cannot be underestimated. An increased concentration of zinc in the body can cause degeneration of the pancreas of a fibrous nature. In some cases, the violation leads to an increase in blood glucose levels. Chronic excess of zinc is dangerous for the development of autoimmune diseases.


  1. Salnikova E.V. Zinc is an essential microelement (review) // Bulletin of OSU. 2012. No. 10 (146).
  2. Prokhorova O.V., Olina A.A. Nutrition and zinc deficiency in pregnancy: a review of the literature. Ural State Medical University, 2020. D0%92%D1%8B%D0%BF%D1%83%D1%81%D0%BA_4_2020-105-119.pdf
  3. Shikh E.V., Makhova A.A., Grebenshchikova L.Yu. Prevention of zinc deficiency in pregnant women // Consilium Medicum. 2015. №6.
  4. Salnikova E.V. Human need for zinc and its sources (review). Orenburg State University, 2016.
  5. Khaliullina S.V. Clinical significance of zinc deficiency in the body of a child (literature review) // Bulletin of Modern Clinical Medicine. 2013. №3.
  6. Zinc deficiency. MGMU them. THEM. Sechenov.

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