How to make the perfect eyebrow shape: instructions

Even if nature has not rewarded you with thick and lush eyebrows, do not despair! Beauty salon masters will help you make a beauty out of you.

Make-up artists and brow-designers unanimously insist that eyebrows are as important a part of makeup today as eyes and lips, and they are far from the last role. The times of eyebrows in a thread have sunk into oblivion, they were replaced by a trend for thick and well-groomed. But what if you have already kissed them with tweezers and generously laid them, and now they do not grow treacherously? Or what to do when the shape leaves much to be desired, but you want to have clear contours? For all this, there are all kinds of pencils, shadows, paints, gels and even permanent makeup. But! All this will work in the name of beauty only in the hands of an experienced master.

How to make eyebrows beautiful: a few rules

Pick up a color. Sometimes the hairs are very sparse and the eyebrows lack color saturation. In this case, expressive eyes simply fade without a decent framing. We have to fill in the empty space between the hairs with pigment. In this case, it is important to choose the color of the paint as correctly as possible. It happens, on the contrary, that rich and thick eyebrows simply do not suit her mistress to match the color of her dyed hair. And then you need to act on the contrary and soften the shade. Alas, the beauty industry has not gone so far as to lighten hairs with just a pencil or shadows. Therefore, the way out in this case is in their coloring.

Brow lightening is ideal for blondes looking to harmonize their look. “Nude” eyebrows are really fashionable. Often, brunettes who have become victims of unscrupulous craftsmen and who have received too dark, and often almost black eyebrows, knocking out of the general architecture of the face, also resort to lightening.

Photo Shoot:
Brow-master: Sabina Vardaeva

Choose a suitable shape. Even if you like this or that form, it does not mean that it suits you. Chasing trends runs the risk of losing your own self. Only a master will be able to correctly assess your type and choose the shape of the eyebrows depending on the geometry of the face. Everything is important here: the location of the eyes, the oval of the face, the width of the nose … Photo examples of the girls’ transformations speak for themselves! There is such an interesting thing in the beauty industry as eyebrow stencils. According to their creators, it is easy and convenient to use the new product. In fact, everything is different. First, a rare stencil will give the desired effect and the shape that suits you specifically. Secondly, everyone knows that the left and right sides of the face are slightly asymmetrical. Then, eyebrows that are perfect up to a millimeter are more likely to be something strange than beautiful.

Create a natural effect. Eyebrows, as if drawn with a felt-tip pen, have long been a sign of bad taste. Natural, thick and, ideally, their own eyebrows are in trend. If you have a hitch with the point “your”, the masters of make-up or tattoo will come to the rescue again. By drawing every hair, brow designers can reconstruct the architecture of the eyebrows in such a way that no one will guess that they are not theirs! In the tattooing craft, there is a specific technique for applying pigment called microbolding. It allows you to achieve the most natural shape and create the appearance of natural hairs. If you still work with a pencil or eyeliner, then it is worth applying these funds with short strokes, and not sweeping lines. Nobody will check the stroke length with a ruler, but in general the image will speak for itself: the smaller the line, the more natural the eyebrows look.

Don’t overdo it with bending. The eyebrows are raised, of course, a symbol of a sexual look, like that of Marilyn Monroe, but they are not suitable for everyone. However, the most stubborn girls in pursuit of an upturned ponytail of eyebrows cannot come to terms with their natural shape and adjust it to a different one, thereby changing facial features and acquiring an overly surprised look. Don’t forget about your personality! The shape and color of eyebrows in all their manifestations strives for naturalness. Each face has its own characteristics, which can only be slightly adjusted. To emphasize the cheekbones and make the oval clearer will help graphic and shallow eyebrows, which successfully conceal a voluminous or overhanging eyelid. And fluffy and voluminous without bright accents will give the face freshness and make the image more youthful.

Make styling. Yes, there is such a procedure as long-term eyebrow styling. To preserve the aesthetics, to make thick, coarse or curly eyebrows obedient or to achieve the effect of the so-called “model eyebrows”, the masters offer this procedure. At the moment, she is very popular. Shallow, almost straight, “sable” or masculine eyebrows are all about fashion trends in the brow-sphere. Styling is done with a special gel. It captures hairs exactly as the artist or you styled them, and helps prevent tricky nuances such as eyebrow paint shedding, blurring during the day, or accidental hand touch.

Alika Zhukova, beauty editor:

– Well-groomed eyebrows have long been a must-have. They are the most important part of makeup: we can safely go out without mascara or lipstick, but never without tinted eyebrows. And after all, they instantly transform the face and make it brighter and more expressive. And if you didn’t believe in the magical power of the brow master until now, just look at these pictures, which are indisputable proof that eyebrows change the face.

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