How to make strawberry marmalade at home

Strawberry marmalade at home is no less tasty than purchased, but it has a more natural composition. There are several simple recipes for its preparation.

Selection and preparation of ingredients

To prepare marmalade dessert at home, you can use fresh or frozen berries. In both cases, the fruits must be:

  • ripe – unripe greenish berries are watery and less sweet;
  • healthy – without black dots and brown soft barrels;
  • medium size – such fruits have the best taste.

Preparation comes down to simple processing. It is necessary to remove the sepals from the berries, rinse the fruits in cold water from dust and dirt, and then leave them in a colander or on a towel until the moisture dries.

How to make strawberry marmalade at home

Marmalade is usually made from berry puree, so you don’t need to chop the strawberries.

How to make strawberry marmalade

Dessert at home is made according to several recipes. Each of them suggests using thickeners that are responsible for the characteristic texture of the finished treat.

Strawberry jam recipe with agar-agar

Here are the ingredients you need to make this quick treat at home:

  • strawberries – 300 g;
  • if – if – 2 h. l.;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • sugar – 4 tbsp. l.

The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  • the thickener is poured with slightly warmed water and left to swell for about 20 minutes;
  • strawberries are washed and cleaned of leaves, and then crushed in a blender in a puree;
  • mix the resulting mass with a sweetener and put on the stove over medium heat;
  • after boiling, swollen agar-agar is added and heated for another couple of minutes, constantly stirring;
  • remove the pan from the stove and cool to a warm state;
  • Pour the mixture into silicone baking molds.

The finished dessert is left at room temperature until it hardens completely. After that, the delicacy is removed from the molds and cut.

How to make strawberry marmalade at home

If desired, strawberry marmalade at home can be additionally sprinkled with sugar

Recipe for homemade strawberry marmalade with gelatin

Edible gelatin can be used to make delicious treats. The prescription needs:

  • strawberry berries – 300 g;
  • water – 250 ml;
  • gelatin – 20 g;
  • citric acid – 1/2 tsp;
  • sugar – 250 g

You can cook marmalade from strawberries like this:

  • gelatin is soaked in water for half an hour, while the liquid is taken cold;
  • the berries are washed from dust and put in a deep bowl, and then a sweetener and citric acid are added;
  • interrupt the ingredients with a blender until completely homogeneous and leave to stand for five minutes;
  • pour an aqueous solution of gelatin into the puree and stir;
  • bring the mixture to a boil on the stove and immediately turn it off.

Hot liquid dessert is poured into silicone molds and left to solidify.

Important! Gelatin softens in heat, so you need to store strawberry treats at home in the refrigerator.
How to make strawberry marmalade at home

Instead of citric acid, you can add a little citrus juice to strawberries with gelatin

Strawberry marmalade on pectin

Another popular recipe for strawberry marmalade for the winter suggests taking pectin as a thickener. From the ingredients you need:

  • strawberry fruits – 250 g;
  • sugar – 250 g;
  • apple pectin – 10 g;
  • glucose syrup – 40 ml;
  • citric acid – 1/2 tsp

Step by step cooking at home looks like this:

  • citric acid is diluted in 5 ml of water, and pectin is mixed with a small amount of sugar;
  • the berries are ground by hand or interrupted with a blender, and then put in a saucepan over moderate heat;
  • gradually pour the mixture of sweetener and pectin, not forgetting to mix the mass;
  • after boiling, the remaining sugar is added and glucose is added;
  • keep on fire for about seven minutes with slow, gentle stirring.

At the last stage, diluted citric acid is added to the dessert, and then the delicacy is laid out in silicone molds. To solidify, the mass must be left in the room for 8-10 hours.

Advice! Cover the top of the dish with parchment paper to prevent dust from settling.
How to make strawberry marmalade at home

Strawberry and pectin marmalade is particularly elastic

How to make sugar free strawberry marmalade

Sugar is a standard ingredient in homemade desserts, but there is a recipe that can be dispensed with. From the ingredients you need:

  • strawberry berries – 300 g;
  • stevia – 2 g;
  • gelatin – 15 g;
  • water – 100 ml.

Dessert is prepared at home according to the following algorithm:

  • gelatin in a small container is poured with warm water, stirred and set aside for half an hour;
  • ripe strawberry fruits are interrupted in a blender to a state of homogeneous syrup;
  • combine the berry mass and stevia in an enamel pan and introduce swollen gelatin;
  • over low heat, heat with stirring until the thickener is completely dissolved;
  • turn off the heat and pour the mass into molds.

At room temperature, strawberry syrup marmalade can be left to cool completely or put in the refrigerator when it is no longer hot.

How to make strawberry marmalade at home

Strawberry marmalade with stevia can be used on a diet and with elevated blood sugar

Frozen strawberry marmalade

For making dessert at home, frozen berries are no worse than fresh ones. The algorithm is almost the same as the usual one. The ingredients needed are the following:

  • strawberry berries – 300 g;
  • water – 300 ml;
  • agar-agar – 7 g;
  • sugar – 150 g

The recipe looks like this:

  • at home, frozen berries are laid out in a saucepan and allowed to thaw in a natural way without speeding up the process;
  • in a separate small bowl, pour agar-agar with water, mix and leave to swell for half an hour;
  • strawberries ready for processing, together with the liquid remaining in the container, are covered with sugar;
  • grind the mass with a blender to a homogeneous consistency;
  • agar-agar solution is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil with constant stirring;
  • after two minutes, add the strawberry mass;
  • from the moment of repeated boiling, boil for a couple more minutes;
  • remove from heat and lay out a hot delicacy in forms.

Before cooling, the dessert at home is left in the room, and then rearranged in the refrigerator for half an hour until it acquires a dense consistency. The finished delicacy is cut into cubes and, if desired, rolled in coconut flakes or powdered sugar.

Important! Instead of silicone molds, you can use ordinary enamel or glass containers. But they must first be covered with cling film or oiled parchment.
How to make strawberry marmalade at home

Frozen strawberry marmalade with the addition of agar-agar especially quickly acquires the desired density

Terms and conditions of storage

Strawberry marmalade, made at home, is kept at a temperature of 10-24 ° C in a place protected from sunlight. Humidity should be no more than 80%. Subject to these rules, the delicacy will be usable for four months.


Strawberry marmalade at home can be prepared in several ways – with gelatin and agar-agar, with and without sugar. The delicacy is obtained as tasty and healthy as possible due to the absence of harmful additives.

Marmalade at home on agar-agar / Strawberry, homemade, healthy marmalade! #190

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