How to make soda at home, video
There are tons of videos on the Internet on how to use soda, and little information on how to make it at home. The reason is simple: it is easier and cheaper to buy such a product ready-made than to bother making it. However, there is also a cognitive aspect of the issue. Let’s figure out how to make soda at home and use it at home.
How to make baking soda at home?
How to make baking soda at home
Before starting your chemical experiments, decide what kind of soda you would like to get in the end. There are several types of substances:
- baking soda (drinking), or sodium bicarbonate, is a white, non-toxic powder with a salty taste. It is actively used in cooking and medicine;
- soda ash, or sodium carbonate, is a strong alkali, therefore it is suitable for domestic needs: for softening water, washing floors, cleaning dishes and plumbing;
- caustic soda, or sodium hydroxide, is a caustic alkali that belongs to the category of hazardous substances. It is used in the production of paper, soap, shampoo, sewer blockages.
In nature, soda is found in the composition of the water of some lakes, so the most ancient way to obtain the substance was evaporation. In addition to brine, ash of burnt algae served as raw material for its extraction. Now in the total production of soda, a large share is made by an artificial product obtained by the ammonia method.
How to get soda ash? To do this, pour ordinary soda into a metal mug. Then, stirring constantly, heat it over high heat. After 5-8 minutes, you will have carbonate instead of bicarbonate.
The resulting soda ash can be used to create caustic
First, 20 g of sodium carbonate is dissolved in 150 ml of water. Then the solution is heated until the complete disappearance of the soda crystals. Then add 14 g of slaked lime. The solution is filtered from the precipitate (chalk). The caustic is ready. Important: perform all manipulations with gloves, as hydroxide, when it gets on the skin, causes severe chemical burns.
On the basis of soda ash, you can prepare a solution for cleaning tiles, sinks, toilet and bathroom. To do this, in a liter of water, you need to dilute 2-3 tablespoons of the powder. Even stubborn stains are removed from linen and cotton fabrics with sodium carbonate.
For a preliminary two-hour soaking, use a solution prepared at the rate of a tablespoon of soda per 3 liters of warm water
Sodium hydroxide is the best way to get rid of blockages in sewer pipes. A glass of liquid caustic is poured into the drain hole, and after 1,5 hours, running water is turned on to wash everything off.
You should not look for a video on how to make soda at home, it is faster and easier to buy it at the nearest store.