How to make real kefir with VIVO starter cultures

Everyone knows about the benefits of kefir – this refreshing drink improves metabolism, digestion, helps to lose weight and saturate the body with calcium. At home, it can be obtained from high-quality milk and VIVO starter culture containing kefir fungus. The cooking process is as simple as possible and does not require personal time. Moreover, the finished fermented milk product will have the desired acidity and fat content to satisfy the most demanding consumer. All the details of obtaining a healing drink can be found on the manufacturer’s website: how to choose good milk, what equipment is needed, how to cook – vivo kefir starter is sold at the best price, including delivery across Russia.

Why homemade kefir is better than store-bought

The main difference between a natural fermented milk drink is a large number of beneficial bacteria in the composition. Kefir fungus is a complex of probiotics that have a positive effect on the entire body. They prevent dysbacteriosis, suppress pathogenic microflora, remove toxins. Kefir is given to young children, to everyone who is on a diet, wants to lose weight, keep fit.

Cooking kefir on sourdough is very simple. UHT milk or boiled homemade milk should be cooled to room temperature and mixed with dry bacterial starter. You can do this directly in the factory packaging – a cardboard bag or a plastic bottle. If you cook more kefir, then it is better to use enameled and glassware, which must be thoroughly washed and poured over with boiling water.

The ripening time of a fermented milk drink is 10-20 hours, depending on the air temperature. The warmer the room, the faster you can taste delicious homemade kefir. The natural product has the following benefits:

Immediately after cooking, it has a delicate texture and mild taste, suitable for children.

A day later, when stored in the refrigerator, the drink acquires sharpness and noticeable sourness.

Three-day kefir is used as a prophylactic and therapeutic product – it has a pronounced, rich taste and noticeable acidity.

You can store sour milk in a cool place for up to 3 days – its quality and benefits do not decrease.

Who benefits from homemade kefir

By the amount of protein, such fermented milk products are in one of the first places, and in terms of calories they are inferior to natural milk and cheese. This allows you to include it in the menu for diet and fasting days. Delicate fresh kefir can be tasted by children up to 1 year old after they get used to the first fermented milk food. For office workers, the drink will replace a snack with fast food, pregnant women, schoolchildren and teenagers will help supply the body with calcium. Kefir can also be considered a healthy delicacy – adding honey, berry juice or syrup to it, you can do without harmful products with artificial additives.

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  1. سلام دچار پیوست شدیم علت چیست

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