How to make laundry soap at home
Household chemicals are unsafe for health. Therefore, housewives make soaps, shampoos, powders and other products on their own. Knowing how to make laundry soap, you can get a quality product that will not harm your health.
How to make laundry soap: do it yourself useful household chemicals
Laundry soap is prepared on the basis of oils. Therefore, in order to save money, inexpensive and affordable oils are used.
How to make laundry soap from scratch: ingredients
This soap has a pleasant smell and good whitening properties. Required Ingredients:
- sunflower oil – 0,8 kg;
- coconut oil – 0,1 kg;
- castor oil – 0,3 kg;
- alkali – 138 g;
- water – 330 ml.
The superfat is 2% – 10 g of castor oil. From the above amount of ingredients, about 1 kg of soap comes out. It foams well and is consumed for a long time.
How to make laundry soap at home: sequence
The first step is to prepare the necessary utensils and put on protective clothing. Working with alkali is quite dangerous, so the safety precautions must be at a high level. Work algorithm:
- Melt coconut oil in a water bath – it is solid. Add the rest of the oil.
- Measure out water and lye. Gently pour the lye into the water, stirring continuously. Strain.
- Add the alkaline solution a little to the oils. Attention: the temperature of the oils and the solution must be the same. The mass must be constantly stirred with a spoon, and then with a blender.
- When traces remain on the mass, then it’s time to move it to a saucepan and put it in a water bath. This process takes 3-4 hours.
- After half an hour, the thick mass gradually begins to turn into a gel. If a crust forms on the surface, then it must be stirred periodically.
After 3 hours, the soap can be tested with ph strips. The range of values should be 8,5 to 10.
Making laundry soap at home: finishing touches
After checking, you need to add 10 g of castor oil to the soap mass and stir everything. Divide the mass into prepared forms, previously covered with foil, cover with a napkin.
- After 2-3 days, the soap is ready.
It should be cut into portions and allowed to dry a little. This laundry soap can be used to wash dishes, wash and even wash your hair. You cannot store it for a long time – after three months the soap will deteriorate. If you don’t use this type of soap often, small portions are best. It does not lose its properties, and the smell becomes unpleasant.