How to make lasagna. Video

Along with pasta, risotto and spaghetti, Italians presented the world with one of the most delicious (and high-calorie) dishes – lasagne. Until some time, lasagna was prepared only in Italian restaurants, but today Russian housewives have also mastered it, after all, it’s really not so difficult to cook lasagna.

It is not very correct to consider lasagna a truly Italian dish, in fact, its homeland is Rome. Greek lasagna was more of a pie: the layered dough was baked and poured over with sauce. The Italians complicated the dish, and between the layers of the dough, first tomatoes appeared, and then cheese with minced meat. It was impossible not to season the lasagna with the famous Bolognese or Bechamel sauce.

By the way, in the English culinary tradition there is something similar to lasagna, the dish is called loseyns, but its recipe is not very similar to the Italian one.

You will need: – sheets of lasagna (dough), – 1 kg. minced meat, – tomatoes, – onions, – 1 liter of milk, – dry wine (preferably white), – garlic

– butter, – flour, – hard cheese, – salt, pepper, vegetable oil.

You can also try making Venetian lasagna – El Forno lasagna. The dish will amaze you with its variety of variations

Finely chop the non-bitter onions, and chop the tomatoes in a mixer or blender, add a couple of tablespoons of dry wine. Fry the minced meat in a deep frying pan, salt and pepper. Combine it with onions and cover for 5 minutes. Pour in the tomatoes and leave to simmer for 7-10 minutes (until the mixture becomes thick and the water from the tomatoes evaporates).

Heat the milk, pour melted butter into it and add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sifted flour, cook for 2 minutes. During this time, the mass should become similar to semolina. Season with pepper and salt.

You can add mushrooms to the minced meat – honey mushrooms or champignons in a spicy sauce. This will give the lasagna a special piquancy.

Dip the lasagna sheets in boiling water for 4 minutes and lay them on a waffle towel one at a time (make sure they do not stick together or break). Once it has cooled slightly, start placing in a pre-oiled baking dish.

Lay the bottom layer, put the minced meat thickly on it, sprinkle with grated cheese and cover with the next layer of dough. Again minced meat, cheese, dough. Classic lasagna has up to seven layers, you can make as many as you want, as long as they are able to bake.

Grease the top layer of the dough generously with the cooled sauce. Send the design to the hot oven for 20 minutes. Remove, sprinkle with remaining grated cheese and bake for another 20 minutes.

Lasagne must be cut and served immediately, otherwise it will lose not only its appetizing appearance, but also begin to sour. Decorating with chopped herbs, dry wine and sliced ​​cheese is appropriate for lasagna.

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