How to make jam mash. Video

How to make jam mash. Video

Such a situation often happens: the jam is prepared more than necessary, and it is stored for years, losing its taste. Or some part of him has fermented. Take your time to throw away old or spoiled jam, because you can make a good mash for homemade moonshine from it.

What you need to get mash

Required ingredients (based on 6 liters of jam): – 30 liters of warm boiled water, – 3 kilograms of granulated sugar, – 300 grams of yeast, – a large enamel saucepan with a capacity of at least 40 liters, – thick cloth, – activated charcoal or milk , – a deep container, – a tablespoon, – matches, – a funnel-shaped filter, – a moonshine still.

You can use one or several types of jam. Focus exclusively on your taste

Mash preparation technology

Pour warm water into a saucepan, add granulated sugar and stir thoroughly to dissolve completely. Then add the jam and mix well again. In a separate container, dissolve the yeast in warm water and pour into a large saucepan. Stir the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained, cover the pan with a lid, wrap it up with a thick cloth (blanket, old clothes, quilted jacket). It is better to place the container in a warm place, for example, next to a radiator.

The fermentation process takes different time, so its end must be controlled. This can be done in several simple ways.

Scoop the mash with a tablespoon and bring a lighted match to its surface. If the match over the spoon dies out, the mash is not ready yet. If it flares up brightly, the mash can be considered ripe.

There is also a second way. Try the mash. If it is sweetish, the fermentation process is not over yet. The finished mash has a pronounced bitter taste.

When the mash is completely fermented, gently pour it into the container of the moonshine still and start the distillation process. At the same time, do not forget about the mandatory cleaning of the product from harmful impurities, primarily fusel oils. Cleaning must be done in two stages. First, the heavy fraction of fusel oils is prevented from entering the finished product. The easiest way to do this is to install a filter on the neck of the collecting container.

The most effective at home filter in the form of a funnel, at the bottom of which is a layer of gauze, above – a layer of cotton wool, and even higher – a thick layer of finely crushed charcoal (better than birch)

At the second stage, purify the moonshine from light fractions of fusel oils and other harmful impurities. This can be done in different ways: using activated carbon, milk, or re-distillation.

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