How to make fertilizer from weeds and banana skins

How to make fertilizer from weeds and banana skins

Any organic matter that is at hand can turn into a valuable plant food.

Did you know that banana skins can save houseplants that are already ready to go to another world? Thanks to the potassium, phosphorus and calcium in the composition, the banana peel acts like a magic potion on flowers. It is very simple to prepare a potion: you need to put the skins in a jar, fill with water, close the lid and leave for XNUMX hours. After this “compote” you need to water the indoor plants once a week or two.

But skins can bring back to life not only flowers in pots, but also work as a growth booster for plants in the country. Like many other food waste.

Herbal tincture

After this top dressing, all plants grow: the composition enriches the soil with nutrients and beneficial microorganisms. To prepare the fertilizer, you will need weeds after weeding or mowed lawn grass. Grind the plants, put them in buckets or a barrel, half full. Fill with water, but not to the top. Close from light and leave to roam in a place warmed by the sun. To speed up the process, add urea to the container, a tablespoon per bucket of volume. The fertilizer will be ready in two weeks. The ripened slurry will not last long, use it for a few weeks and prepare a new one.

How to use: tincture is good as the main fertilizer for preparing the soil for planting and as a top dressing. In composition, it will be close to manure, so the concentrate must be diluted with water 1: 1 before applying under the plants. Any plants are fed with slurry under the root and on the leaves, compost is shed to accelerate ripening.


The grass will ferment, emitting a specific unpleasant odor, so the container is placed away from the resting place or a manual platform.

Growth activator

Yeast fungi and lactic acid bacteria cannot be called a fertilizer, it is rather a stimulator of the decomposition of organic substances, they work well when applied simultaneously with manure, grass, green manure. Microorganisms secrete substances that accelerate the root formation of plants and enhance the activity of soil microorganisms.

How to use: Stir 100 g of raw yeast, add half a glass of sugar and 10 liters of warm water, leave for a day. Use as a concentrate for tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers: one glass of mash per bucket of water, the feeding rate for one bush is a liter.

You can make sourdough from rye crackers: they are soaked and allowed to brew, stir and the resulting bread gruel is poured under peonies or hydrangeas: feeding will give the plants a lush flowering.

To support strawberries and cucumbers, brown bread is soaked in water and kept warm for a week. Before watering, the leaven is diluted with water 3-4 times. Watered once a week in warm weather.

The remains are sweet

Any leftovers from the table will come in handy in the garden. Not sure where to put sour or candied jam? It will serve as a fertilizer – such a top dressing is loved by young fruit trees, tomatoes, potatoes and cabbage. Take a liter of jam and a bucket of water, mix, let it brew for a week to start fermentation. You can add a bag of instant yeast. After five days, stir by diluting a glass of compote in a liter of water. Pour to the root. No need to filter the solution: the berries themselves are an excellent fertilizer. Feed your garden every 7-10 days.

Coffee grounds and tea leaves are a gift for the capricious garden dwellers. This waste contains nitrogen and trace elements, making the soil loose. Spread the tea leaves directly at the root or in the soil when planting. Solanaceae also love this kind of dressing: pepper, tomato, physalis, eggplant. Banana skins – potash fertilizer. As soon as the flowering period begins on the site, chop them up and pour them under the plants as mulch. Roses, barberries, strawberries respond very well to such fertilization. By the way, this is not the only reason not to throw out banana skins. How to get the most out of them, read here.

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