How to make coconut oil at home and what to do with coconut oil

How to make coconut oil at home and what to do with coconut oil

Coconut oil is quite an interesting product. It is very popular among the people of India, Indonesia and Thailand, where it is used for culinary purposes. How is coconut oil made and what is its value?

Where does coconut oil come from and how is it produced?

Coconut oil is squeezed out of the pulp of the fruit. The mining process is very interesting and possible even at home. Do you want a natural product in your cosmetic bag? Buy a coconut and follow the directions.

1. First of all, you need to make a small hole to get rid of the liquid. It is quite healthy so you can drink it.

2. With gentle movements it is necessary to break the coconut shell to get to the pulp. This is what we need to extract oil.

3. The meaty part must be thoroughly chopped in a blender or grated. The smaller the chips, the better.

4. Pour boiling water over the resulting coconut flakes so that the water level is slightly higher than the bulk.

5. Carefully filter all the liquid through cheesecloth. Thoroughly squeeze everything out so that the mass is as dry as possible.

6. We put the resulting liquid in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Coconut milk and oil are formed in the container when cooled. The oil is a white, dense crust on the surface that must be carefully collected and placed in a jar.

Just six steps separate you from a natural product that is not only appreciated in the beauty industry, but also important for health.

So, the raw materials have been received. So what can you do with coconut oil?

  • it can and should be eaten. The refined product will help strengthen the immune system, help with joint diseases and reduce blood pressure;
  • baking in coconut oil turns out to be incredibly airy, fragrant and healthy. It is worth trying once !;
  • for the beauty of hair and body, such oil is indispensable. Here are some recipes to help you look your best.

Recipe 1. Body scrub. Add some salt (brown sugar or brewed coffee as an option) and a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the coconut oil. Use this remedy on problem areas.

Recipe 2. For your hair to shine with health, you need to pamper them with nourishing masks. Rub coconut oil into the scalp and apply evenly over the strands. Leave on for 1,5 hours, then rinse thoroughly. A healthy shine of curls is provided to you.

There is a lot to write about what to do with coconut oil. Use it instead of your usual creams, balms and masks – your skin and hair will be grateful.

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