How to make chips at home: secrets and recipes
The history of potato chips dates back to the XNUMXth century, when American George Crum accidentally invented this dish. It is impossible to imagine modern culinary without this appetizer, which is especially relevant to beer. At the same time, making chips at home will not be difficult. There are several methods for making homemade chips. will tell you how to cook chips properly and what dishes can be made with crispy potatoes.
Ingredients: several large potatoes, sunflower oil, salt, spices.
How to cook: peel the potatoes or wash them thoroughly. Cut into thin circles – it is better to do this with a vegetable peeling knife or with a grater on the side of it with only one notch. Put the slices on a plate so that it is convenient to take one at a time. In a deep frying pan or saucepan, pour 2-3 cm thick oil and bring to a boil. Put potatoes in boiling oil, one wedge at a time, so that they do not come into contact with each other.
They will brown very quickly, and you need to immediately remove the finished ones. Take out ready-made chips and drain off the remaining oil. Place on a paper towel-covered plate to absorb any remaining oil. Season with salt and season to taste, while hot.
Ingredients: 2 large potatoes, vegetable oil, white or black pepper, salt.
How to cook: cut the washed and peeled potatoes into thin slices. Put the resulting circles in a salad bowl or soup plate. Season with salt, pepper and mix gently so as not to break the slices. Leave for a few minutes to soak the potatoes with spices.
Put the chips on a baking sheet so that they do not touch each other, and place them in an oven heated to 180 degrees. The chips will be baked for about 10-15 minutes, it is important to make sure that they do not burn. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and place on a plate covered with a paper towel to absorb the remaining oil.
Ingredients: potatoes in the right amount, pepper, spices, salt, vegetable oil.
How to cook: cut the peeled potatoes into circles. Put the finished slices on special baking paper so that they do not come into contact with each other. Sprinkle them with oil, sprinkle with seasonings and salt to taste. The chips take about 5 minutes to cook. As soon as the chips are browned, turn off the microwave and place the prepared chips on a plate covered with a paper towel. During the cooking process, you can pause: open the microwave door to release steam – then the chips will turn out to be crisper.
Why homemade chips don’t crunch
Too cold potatoes: if you kept them in the refrigerator, and then quickly peeled, cut and washed, then they will heat up a little, but longer. The oil will take longer to displace excess moisture from the potatoes – as a result, the chips are either damp or too greasy.
Not hot enough oil: If the oil really boils, then it instantly “seals” the surface of the chip, forming a crust. And if it is badly warmed up, the potatoes will float in fat, absorbing it into themselves. The result is a softened gruel instead of a crunch.
Potatoes with a low starch content: they have more moisture and therefore take longer to cook. Chips from it can be cooked in the microwave or oven, but not in oil.
Do not drain excess oil: if you fry chips, then they should be carefully laid out on a paper towel so that the excess oil is absorbed into it, and not into the chips.
Sour cream sauce for chips: recipe
Ingredients: sour cream, aromatic seasoning, hop-suneli seasoning.
How to cook: take a bowl in which we will knead the sauce, put the sour cream there, then add the seasonings there, mix. It is better to add spices gradually, mix and taste, so as not to overdo it with seasonings. For spicy lovers, you can add paprika to the sauce. Mix well and refrigerate for 15 minutes. This is just enough time to make homemade chips.
The same sauce can be made from thick yogurt.
Fish salad with chips: recipe
Ingredients: chips – 100 g, carrots – 1 pc., mayonnaise, canned fish in oil – 1 can, garlic – 2 cloves, salt.
How to cook: boil carrots, peel and grate on a fine grater. Peel a clove of garlic and squeeze through the garlic, combine with carrots. Remove bones from canned fish and knead with a fork. Add canned oil to the fish.
Lay out the salad in layers. The first layer is fish, put it on a dish and pour over mayonnaise. The second layer is carrots with garlic, sprinkled with mayonnaise. Place the chips on top and cover with mayonnaise. Garnish the salad with chips around the edges. Let the salad sit.
Ingredients: eggs – 4 pcs., sour cream – 2 tbsp. l., chips of any taste – 30 g, salt, vegetable oil.
How to cook: beat eggs with sour cream. Pour the mixture over the chips. Pour into a frying pan with vegetable oil. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Then you need to turn the omelet to the other side and fry for a few more minutes.
general practitioner, candidate of medical sciences
There is such a thing as food addiction. Most often, the list of favorite dishes includes high-calorie foods high in fat, sugar, salt, which have a bright memorable taste, such as sausage, chips, mayonnaise, and sugary carbonated drinks. The craving for delicious food is of a purely psychological nature. And this dependence is easy to overcome, but a person must determine a priority for himself – health and long life or gastronomic pleasures without restrictions.
New taste preferences are fixed after 14 days, that is, if you change your usual diet and adhere to it for two weeks, then the body will get used to it and will enjoy other foods.
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