Not so long ago, my friend Pashka and I were talking in a bar, and we got into an argument. He proved to me for a long time and stubbornly that only factory-made, bottled alcohol is worthy of attention. Allegedly, it is created using a special technology, so it cannot be compared with homemade.
I am an adherent to cook on my own not only food, but also alcohol. And I tried to explain to him that, for example, homemade liquor is even better than store-bought. As a result, our conversation ended with a bet – whether he could distinguish store-bought liquor from mine.
Story from my subscriber Ildar.
Bottled vs Homemade Cherry Liqueur – Find the 5 Differences!
Why I decided to make alcohol myself
The idea to create alcohol of my own production was spinning in my head for a long time. The main reason is that factory-made, bottled alcohol is getting worse every year in quality and taste.
My very first creation was cherry liqueur. The recipe for its preparation was told to me by my grandfather, whom I jokingly call the “People’s Sommelier”. I was more than pleased with the result, so I want to share it with you.
Now I rarely buy alcohol in the store. Learning recipes, experimenting and making alcohol on my own gives me pleasure. And at least I know I’m drinking a quality product.
My own alcohol collection
What ingredients are required
Liquor differs from other alcoholic beverages in a sweeter taste. This is due to the fact that it contains fruits or berries with the addition of a sufficiently large amount of sugar.
There are several recipes for making cherry liqueur. For mine, exclusive and most economical, you will need the following ingredients:
- cherry – 300 grams (about 50 rubles);
- granulated sugar – 150 grams (5 rubles);
- vodka “Five Lakes” – 250 milliliters (about 220 rubles);
- filtered water – 150 milliliters (free!).
Any cherry is suitable for liquor. If you don’t have fresh, you can use frozen. This is a great option if you want to make cherry liqueur out of season (for example, in winter).
I recommend using only Five Lakes vodka for cherry liqueur.
Important! Don’t skimp on vodka. To get a quality product, it is better to choose a good, expensive brand. In this case, I did not take moonshine in principle. By its characteristic aroma, homemade liquor is easy to distinguish from store-bought.
The cooking process
First, rinse the fresh cherries well. If it was stored in the freezer, wait until it is completely defrosted. It is advisable to remove the seeds from the berries. They contain hydrocyanic acid, which is harmful to health.
Although only 300 grams of cherries do not carry such a big danger. Therefore, decide for yourself. After washing / defrosting cherries, each berry can be pricked with a toothpick.
Interesting! Experienced sommeliers in the person of my grandfather nevertheless advised me to make cherry liqueur without removing the seeds. Thanks to them, homemade drink acquires a light and unique almond flavor.
Pour 150 milliliters of cold water into a saucepan and add 150 grams of granulated sugar. Sugar must be stirred regularly so that it dissolves completely. When the water boils, add cherry berries to the resulting syrup. Boil them over moderate heat for 10 minutes, remove the pan from the stove.
When the cherry syrup had cooled, I poured it into a large glass jar. Then poured vodka (250 milliliters). The jar was tightly closed with a lid, covered with a towel and put in a dark, cool place for 15 days.
Prepared jar of cherry syrup
The next stage – I passed the cherry tincture through cheesecloth, folded in several layers. After that, he poured homemade liquor into beautiful bottles and put it in the refrigerator. When the drink is well cooled, you can finally hold a tasting.
What result did I get
Just two weeks after my first experiment, I got an amazing drink. The taste is refined, delicate, with a subtle almond note. There is sweetness, but not cloying, pleasant. The aroma is bright. The color is juicy cherry, clean.
Tasting my cherry liqueur with a light snack
Treat friends. Appreciated. But not everyone believed that this liqueur was my own production. They were asked to share the secret of cooking. But Pashka still admitted losing the bet!
I recommend that you try to cook cherry liqueur according to my recipe. Be sure to write in the comments if you liked it. It will be interesting to read your recipes for homemade liqueurs. I’m happy to continue experimenting!