Blackberry – a berry for our business is just perfect! And tinctures are made from it, and liquors, and delicious liqueurs, but blackberry wine is best obtained at home – a beautiful dark purple color, with an exquisite berry aroma and a truly unique taste, unlike the taste of any of the existing fruits. Today we will discuss several recipes for blackberry wines – simpler and more complex, without yeast and with it, with various interesting additives – for example, caramel syrup.
How to make blackberry wine at home?
Surprisingly, making blackberry wine is not difficult at all – almost as easy as making raspberry wine (these plants are the closest relatives). The berry contains a lot of wild yeast on its skin, it ferments well and ferments steadily, gives off juice well, the must quickly brightens and acquires a downright unearthly violet-blue hue. In general, for winemaking – that’s it! By the way, wines made from blackberries and raspberries, among other things, are also economically beneficial – if the berries are sufficiently saturated and fragrant, you can get up to 2-2.5 liters of the finished product from one kilogram, it has been repeatedly tested.
Blackberries are best, like almost all other berries, sweet and strong wines. But also light, canteens can also be cooked from it, they are well stored and little susceptible to various diseases. Garden varieties of blackberries are tastier, but their acidity is not enough, which is solved by the addition of tannic and tartaric acids – however, it is quite possible to do without this. The winemaking table below shows the classic proportions for compiling the must and making wine from garden and wild varieties of berries, which are not a sin to use.
Proportions for making 10 liters of must for blackberry wine
Tip: Blackberries are a natural dye, and their juice is still used to naturally dye fabrics purple. Therefore, when working with berries, and especially when squeezing juice, it is better to wear an apron. Or purple clothes.
Easy Blackberry Wine Recipe
Recipe without yeast and other complex additives. The wine is made according to the “red” technology – it ferments along with the pomace, as a result of which all the coloring substances pass into the drink and it becomes especially beautiful, saturated. We need:
- 3 kg fresh, ripe blackberries
- 1 liter of water
- 500 grams of sugar + 100-150 grams for sweetening
This wine is prepared in an elementary way. The berries need to be thoroughly mashed with a pusher or other device, pour water, add 300 grams of sugar, mix and leave in a saucepan covered with gauze for fermentation for a day or two, periodically knocking down the pulp cap. After that, pour the fermented wort directly with the pulp into a suitable jar so that the mass takes up no more than 2/3 of the volume, and put it under the shutter or glove. Vigorous fermentation will last 2-3 weeks, depending on the temperature and characteristics of the berry.
When the shutter has stopped gurgling or the glove has dropped, the wort is immediately drained from the pulp, the cake is well squeezed. Add another 200 grams of sugar, pour 4/5 of the volume into a bottle or jar and set aside in a cool place for quiet fermentation. After a week, the wine must be decanted – removed from the sediment with a straw. If the precipitate will fall in the future, the procedure should be repeated once a month or even more often. Quiet fermentation will last 1-2 months, until the liquid is completely clarified.
Everything, the wine is ready – now it can be sweetened to taste, bottled and kept in the same cool place for another 2-3 months, after which you can start tasting!
Tip: remember that the more sugar in the wine, the better it will be stored and the less it will be subject to a variety of “wine” diseases, of which there are a little less than darkness. So if you’re not going to drink blackberry wine after minimal aging (and most people do), it’s best to add more sugar, focusing on your taste.
Wine from blackberries according to the “correct” technology
It is quite possible to make homemade blackberry wine using the classical technology of winemakers – it will definitely not get worse from this. In this case, you will need a pure culture of wine yeast – “Multiflor” or another suitable for rich red wines. In the event that the wine is made from garden blackberries, no water is added to the must – that is, the yield will be smaller, but the result will be better, richer. According to the given proportions, you will get strong wine, if you want to cook, for example, dessert or table wine, recalculate the volume of products according to the table given at the beginning of the article.
- blackberries – 12 kg
- sugar – 3 kg
- tartaric and tannic acid – 30 g each
Tartaric and tannic acids can be bought in the same place as wine yeast. But, however, it is quite possible to do without them – if the juice does not seem sour to you, you can add 20-25 grams of citric acid or its equivalent in lemon juice to the must.
- First you need to get juice from blackberries in any convenient way – by simply squeezing through gauze, in a juicer, or by fermenting a crumpled berry for a couple of days in warmth. About 8 liters of pure juice should be obtained from the indicated number of berries.
Tip: do not throw away the squeezed pulp! It makes an excellent blackberry tincture on alcohol or vodka, slightly inferior to that prepared on a whole berry, except perhaps less saturated and thick, but tasty and certainly more odorous, because all the flavor, as you know, is contained in the skins of the berry. By the way, this tincture is ideal for fixing the resulting wine.
- Add all the indicated sugar and acids (if you use them) to the juice at once, stir until completely dissolved.
- Separately, in a small amount of wort, we ferment the yeast – as it is written on their packaging. We add them to the juice and send everything to a bottle with a water seal.
- Rapid fermentation on CKD is faster than on wild yeast – in 5-14 days. When the wine has won back, it must be carefully decanted.
- Young wine is poured into a smaller bottle – so that the container is 4/5 full. A water seal is again installed on the bottle and it goes to a dark, cool place for fermentation.
- Then everything is as in the previous recipe – quiet fermentation for 1-2 months with periodic removal from the sediment, then – sweetening and bottling, aging in bottles for another 2-3 months.
Everything, our homemade blackberry wine is ready!
Caramel blackberry wine
I don’t know why add caramel syrup to blackberries – not for color? But the recipe is interesting, especially since it uses the diffuse method of extracting juice, which we have not yet considered in this article. In short, let’s get started.
- blackberry – 8 kg
- sugar – about 2-2.5 kg
- water – 1.5 liters
The sorted unwashed berries are wrinkled and carefully squeezed out with a press or with gauze. Now you need to measure the amount of juice received, take clean water heated to 30-35 degrees and pour it over the squeezed berry. Let everything stand for 2-3 hours, after which the spinning process will need to be repeated. Combine both liquids.
Make caramel out of sugar in any convenient way, for example, boil caramel syrup. Add it to the liquid, stir until dissolved. Put the must for fermentation in a container with a wide neck, covered with gauze. If after 2 days the fermentation process does not begin, add wine yeast or a few handfuls of fresh unwashed blackberries. When the wort begins to bubble – it must be sent to the bottle under the water seal. And then – everything is the same as in the previous recipes: active fermentation until the gurgling of the water seal stops, decanting, pouring into a smaller container, quiet fermentation for 1-2 months, aging in bottles for 2-3 months.
So we learned how to make blackberry wine at home in three different ways!
Blackberry wine recipe
1. Mash the blackberries until smooth, put the resulting puree into a non-metallic container with a wide neck.
2. Add raisins, water and 400 grams of sugar, mix well.
3. Transfer the container to a dark place at room temperature, bandage the neck with gauze, leave for 3-4 days. Once a day, stir the wort with a clean hand or a wooden stick, knocking off the “cap” of the pulp on the surface.
4. If signs of fermentation appear (sour smell, foam and hiss), strain the juice through cheesecloth, then pour into a fermentation tank (fill up to a maximum of 70% of the volume). Squeeze the pulp with your hands, mix the resulting liquid with juice. Squeezes are no longer needed.
5. Add 300 grams of sugar, mix well. Install a water seal for wine or a sterile medical glove with a hole in one of the fingers on the neck, seal all connections. Put the container in a dark place with a temperature of 18-25°C.

6. After 4 days, add the remaining sugar (300 grams) to the wort. To do this, remove the shutter (glove), drain 500 ml of juice, dissolve sugar in it, then pour the finished syrup back into the wort and install a water seal.
7. After 35-55 days, fermentation will stop: the blackberry wine will brighten, a layer of sediment will appear at the bottom, the water seal will stop bubbling (the glove will deflate). It’s time to pour the young wine into another clean container through a thin tube, without touching the sediment at the bottom.
If fermentation does not stop 50 days after the installation of a water seal, in order to avoid bitterness, the wine must be removed from the sediment and placed under a water seal to ferment.
8. Taste the drink. If desired, sweeten with sugar and (or) fix with vodka (alcohol) – 2-15% of the volume. It is better to fill storage containers to the top so that there is no contact with oxygen. Close hermetically. If sugar was added, keep under lock for the first 7-10 days.
9. Transfer the wine for aging to a dark room with a temperature of 4-16°C, leave for at least 60-90 days. Once every 20-25 days, when a sediment of 2-5 cm appears, transfuse through a tube into another container without touching the sediment. Cooking is complete when there is no more sediment.
10. Homemade blackberry wine can be bottled and corked. Store in refrigerator or basement. Shelf life – 1-2 years. Fortress – 11-12%.
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