Useful properties of walnuts were described in the writings of Hippocrates and Avicenna. In Eastern medicine, these fruits are believed to strengthen the heart, liver and brain. The concentration of nutrients in the plant is so high that it is often called the “Tree of Life”. Green walnut tincture serves as an auxiliary therapy for the treatment and prevention of a whole range of diseases.
Useful properties of a young nut
Unripe walnuts are round or slightly oblong fruits with a hard skin of light green color, covered with small white dots. The pulp is not yet fully developed, so it is characterized by a jelly-like sticky consistency. The aroma is pronounced, the taste is bitter and tart. From green fruits in Italy they make a nut liqueur, and in France – a wine tincture called Vin de noix.
Milky ripe walnuts are a source of vitamin C; in the pulp and peel, the concentration of the substance is about 50 times higher than in citrus fruits. The antioxidant promotes cell regeneration, prevents vascular fragility, cleanses the body of free radicals and strengthens the immune system. The amniotic part and partitions of the nucleus contain a large amount of iodine, recommended for thyroid diseases associated with a lack of this element.
Young walnuts contain:
- vitamins A, PP, E, K;
- natural antibiotic juglone;
- organic acids;
- proteins;
- quinone;
- polyphenols;
- trace elements: calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron and others.
The disadvantage of fresh fruits is the short shelf life, so most often they are processed immediately. Green walnut tincture on vodka retains all the useful components of the product and is convenient for oral administration.
The use of green walnuts in traditional medicine
One of the most common causes of diseases of internal organs is inflammatory processes. Under the influence of intestinal bacteria, walnut polyphenols turn into compounds that protect tissues from destruction, while amino acids and magnesium trigger cell regeneration processes. These properties are used in diseases of the joints, tuberculosis, inflammation of the skin.
A tincture of young walnuts lowers blood sugar levels and prevents the risk of type 2 diabetes. This effect is due to the high content of manganese and zinc, which contribute to the normalization of insulin synthesis and glucose metabolism.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids prevent the formation of cholesterol, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. The complex of trace elements restores the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, stimulates the processes of hematopoiesis. Magnesium normalizes blood pressure and is involved in the process of nutrition of the heart muscle. The lack of this element is often the cause of cardiac pathologies.
Green walnuts are used in the complex treatment of diseases:
- enterocolitis;
- furunculosis;
- pyelonephritis;
- hemorrhoids;
- gout;
- benign and malignant tumors;
- helminthic invasions;
- respiratory diseases;
- gingivitis;
- periodontitis.
Tincture helps improve brain function, therefore it is used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Scientists from the United States conducted a ten-month study of the effect of walnuts on patients, as a result of which they noted an improvement in memory and a decrease in anxiety levels.
When to Harvest Green Walnuts
The homeland of the walnut is the countries of Asia Minor and Central Asia, but its fruits successfully ripen in the southern part of Russia. The tree blooms in May, and the fruits are fully ready for harvest by September. The optimal time for collecting nuts of milk ripeness is the first decade of July. The period may move up or down depending on the weather conditions of a particular season.
The color of the peel in this case will not be decisive, since under it the nut can already be fully formed. The peel is tested for strength with a needle – the pulp should be easily pierced. Juice comes out through the hole. For the preparation of tincture, healthy fruits of a uniform color, without signs of damage by pests, are suitable.
Shaking off the nuts from the tree will not work – during this period they are still firmly attached to the branch. During work, ladders or ladders are used, and hands are protected with gloves, since the juice stains the skin dark. The collected raw materials cannot be stored, so the nuts need to be processed as soon as possible.
Recipes for tincture of green walnuts on vodka and alcohol
Preparation of tincture is possible in two ways – on vodka and on alcohol. In both cases, a liter jar will need 25-30 freshly picked nuts.
- Wash fruits thoroughly.
- Cut into slices 0,5 mm thick.
- Fill one-third of a liter jar with nuts.
- Fill the container to the brim with vodka.
- Keep in a dark place at room temperature for two weeks.
- Strain, store in a tightly sealed container.
Pure alcohol for the preparation of tinctures is undesirable. An aggressive environment will destroy a number of useful substances, and the tincture will lose some of its healing properties. Alcohol must be diluted with bottled or spring water to a strength of 70% and used instead of vodka.
How to take a tincture of a young nut
The tincture prepared on walnuts in vodka becomes brown by the end of aging. The maximum dose of the drug is 1 tablespoon per reception.
Application in the treatment of various diseases:
- hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid function) – 1 tbsp. l. three times a day after meals;
- diseases of the joints (arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism) – taken orally according to the same scheme, for pain, add rubbing;
- oncology – dilute a tablespoon of tincture in 100 ml of water, drink 30 minutes before breakfast;
- periodontal disease – 1 tbsp. l. means add to half a glass of water at room temperature, rinse your mouth after eating.
Tincture of young walnuts is not recommended for all types of allergic reactions to plant components.
List of contraindications:
- increased thrombus formation;
- diseases of the adrenal glands;
- aggravation of peptic ulcer disease;
- psoriasis and eczema;
- pregnancy and lactation.
Do not give tincture to children under 12 years of age. The tool is categorically not recommended for excess iodine in the body – this can adversely affect the state of the thyroid gland.
Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor before use.