How to make and install a front door jamb
The process of complete and aesthetic installation of the entrance door is completed by finishing the slopes. It is needed in order to level out all the unevenness of the opening, potholes and, if necessary, for laying the electrical wiring. An entrance door jamb can be made of different materials: from ordinary putty to a complex structure made of metal profiles and drywall.
Front door jamb: putty, drywall and a little work
Advantages and disadvantages of materials
Materials for door frames are practical, durable, aesthetic and cost effective. The easiest way is to make jambs from siding, laminate and even MDF. These materials are easy to work with, requiring a minimum amount of construction tools and skills.
To install a door jamb made of these materials, you will need foam and self-tapping screws. Their disadvantages are:
- low degree of moisture resistance;
- high susceptibility to damage;
- short service life.
Most often, drywall is used to finish the doorway after installing the canvas itself, followed by its filler. How to make drywall door frames and what advantages will they have? Among the advantages of such a finish are durability, structural strength and the possibility of renewal by painting or pasting.
How to make a door jamb: work sequence
To make a plasterboard slope, materials and tools are required:
- moisture resistant drywall;
- glue;
- perforated angle;
- knife;
- level;
- putty.
How to make a door jamb for a layman? At the initial stage, irregularities and strong differences in the doorway are removed as much as possible. In order not to stain the door itself, it is closed with cellophane before starting work.
After removing the debris, the required drywall strips are cut out, starting from the upper section of the slope, the side ones will adjoin it. Dilute the glue, put it on the back of the drywall with a spatula and press it strongly against the jamb. Using the level, adjust the position of the jamb, removing excess glue. This is done with all sides of the slope.
The jambs prepared in this way are left to dry.
When the glue is dry, you can use a clerical knife to cut the roughness or protrusions of the drywall with a utility knife. Then, with the help of glue or putty, a perforated angle is set at the corners and everything is carefully putty. For a perfect leveling of the surface, the dried slope is sanded, primed for strength and painted in the desired color.
Such a jamb looks organic with the interior decoration of the room and will last for many years with minimal maintenance.