How to make and how to drink black vodka
  • Drink: Vodka
  • How to Serve: Chilled
  • Main ingredients: alcohol, water, cinnamon, coffee
  • Affiliation: England
  • Cooking time: up to 24 hours
  • Strength: up to 45°

Black horseshoe appeared in Britain in 1996. It is soft, 40%, but only with a dark color. The color itself is closer to black but has dark blue and green hues.

As you may have guessed, the dye used is “black catechu” from the extract of catechu acacia, which grows in India and Southeast Asia. The main high of this dye is that it does not make the drink cloudy, does not change its properties and does not paint the mouth.

Preparing black vodka

According to the classic recipe, a dye is needed, but since it is unrealistic to find it, you can use the ingredients we are used to:

  • Alcohol – 250 ml
  • Water – 250 ml
  • Instant coffee – 1 h, l
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet
  • Cinnamon – 1/2 tsp
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp, l

Since there will be coffee in the composition, the vodka will have a brownish tint.

We dilute alcohol to the state of vodka at 45 degrees. Or use ready-made vodka.

To prepare the drink, place all the ingredients in a three-liter bottle. After – let’s stand for a while, strain and pour into a decanter. Before use, be sure to cool well or add ice cubes.

Ready! We drink in one gulp, as usual.

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