How to make and give a beautiful shape to the nails on the hands?

The shape of the nails is perhaps one of the most important parts of a manicure. Today, experts offer customers a wide selection of possible nail shapes, but you can get the desired shape even at home. The most important thing is to clearly understand what shape of nails is right for you.

The basis of the perfect manicure is the correct shape of the nails

Finding two people whose nail shape will be exactly the same is simply impossible.

Today, you can give your fingernails a round, oval, square, pointed or rounded square shape. Before choosing the shape you will make, pay attention to your fingers, study the nail bed and the shape of the “moon” of your nail, and also use our recommendations:

Nail shape

What kind of nails is this shape ideal for?

Oval shape

  • Wide short fingers;

  • Wide nails.

Round form

  • Short nails (by giving the nails a round shape, you protect them from brittleness, make them stronger);

  • If the nail hole has a rounded shape.

Square shape

  • Long and thin fingers.

  • With square-shaped nails, long fingers look even more sophisticated;

  • If the nail hole is square.

pointed shape

  • Short fingers (the pointed shape of the nails will visually add extra length to them);

  • Small fingers.

Rectangular shape with rounded edges (something between square and oval shaped nails)

  • Wide nail bed;

  • Short nail bed.

When choosing a shape for your future nails, do not forget to consider their strength as well. So, if your nails break very easily, you should opt for a regular, straight shape so you can strengthen them and reduce the chance of them breaking.

pipe nail shape

How to make and give a beautiful shape to the nails on the hands?

The pipe nail shape is versatile and very elegant. Recently, nails of this form have been very popular, since the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are trying more and more every day to give preference to an interesting and very unusual shape of nails. The shape of the pipe really looks very original.

It is quite difficult to give your nails the shape of a pipe on your own, and most often extended nails have such a shape. Outwardly, a pipe-shaped nail is very similar to half a spherical tube. We can say that the shape of the pipe is a combination of almond-shaped and square-shaped nails.

Key features of pipe nail shape:

  • Smooth and always parallel side edges of the nail;

  • The free edge of the pipe-shaped nail may have square, rectangular, oval, or sharply beveled edges;

  • Ordinary tips are not suitable for shaping nails. For building up and subsequent modeling of this form, it is necessary to use a monomer and acrylic powder.

In order to properly build up the nails for the pipe shape, it is very important to give the nail plate the correct shape when building up, and also to make a slight influx in the center of the nail. As soon as the acrylic begins to set, squeeze the sides of the nail, thus obtaining a “tube” shape.

After the acrylic has hardened, file your nails, give them the perfect shape and remove all roughness.

It is very convenient to wear pipe-shaped nails every day. One of the most important advantages of this form is that you can make a variety of designs on it, including using sparkles and varnish with reflective particles. Due to the fact that the pipe-shaped nail plate has many facets, the nails from the side will seem perfect.

Almond shape nails

How to make and give a beautiful shape to the nails on the hands?

Almond-shaped nails have always been very popular, because they look very similar to natural nails, they give the hands an extra elegant and very feminine look. Correctly making an almond-shaped shape is not easy, it requires experience and sufficient skill.

Key features of almond-shaped nails:

  • The length of the free edge of the nail should not be shorter than your nail bed;

  • Best of all on almond-shaped nails will look colorless, light pink or caramel color, classic jacket (you can highlight the border between the tips of the nails and their plate with sparkles);

  • You can give an almond shape to both natural and artificial nails.

If you are modeling almond-shaped nails with acrylic or gel, be extremely careful when filing the nail plate. It is very important that the shape of the almond-shaped nails is clearly defined, in this case your manicure will look really beautiful.

Natural almond-shaped nails can be very brittle. If you want to slightly change the shape of the nails, you will need to shorten them quite a lot: for the entire length of the pointed tip.

French nail shapes

How to make and give a beautiful shape to the nails on the hands?

French is considered one of the most ideal modern types of manicure: it is combined with any clothes, and with the right modeling, you can easily hide any flaws in your nail plate. French will allow you to visually change the shape of a natural nail, however, to create a truly perfect French manicure, it is very important to know some important secrets.

Key features of french nails:

  • You can model a jacket, both with the help of a gel and with the help of acrylic;

  • To create a jacket, you need to use elastic and rather hard brushes (for example, sable brushes);

  • To get a truly professional French manicure, model your French manicure on forms. Thus, you can always correct the appearance of your natural nails, form the correct bend of the artificial nail, and also give the free edge a truly optimal length;

  • With acrylic modeling, special attention should be paid to the correct consistency of powder and liquid (for example, if you use too dry acrylic for extensions, extended nails will be very fragile).

In order for the jacket to look perfect, it is important to create the right smile line, make a beautiful free edge, and also give the right shape to the nail itself.

In case of extension, lay out the free edge of the nail with one ball, and the junction of white and camouflage materials must be correctly joined. Otherwise, the nail tip material may break off right along the smile line.

In order to create the correct smile line on the jacket, it is important to remember that the border of the pink and white materials is a solid and even line.

Instructions for creating the perfect smile line:

How to make and give a beautiful shape to the nails on the hands?

  1. Determine the central axis of your finger, from which the smile itself will be displayed to the side rollers. Make sure that the sides of the line are symmetrical with respect to each other;

  2. Find the point where the “whiskers” will end (both sides must also be symmetrical);

  3. In order for the smile line of the nail to be as clear as possible, its “sides” should have the same height along the entire length of the extension, there should not be any sags and recessions;

  4. When creating a jacket, do not forget that the length of its white part must necessarily be less than the length of its pink part;

  5. When you put the form, make sure that there is not even the slightest gap between the natural nail and the form, and the shape and center of the natural nail match. In the event that the shape is laid crooked, the nail will also be crooked, and its bend will be very unnatural.

  6. The lengthening of the nail should be about 1 millimeter narrower than the natural length of the nail plate.

  7. Depending on what shape your artificial nail will have, lay out a smile based on the recommendations:

    Nail shape

    The smile shape that fits

    Square shape

    Round smile

    almond shape

    Elongated and narrowed smile line

    Pipe shape

    A more rounded and elongated smile line

    Edge form

    The smile line should follow the shape of the free edge of the nail

    stylet shape

    Elongated and narrowed smile

Oval nails

How to make and give a beautiful shape to the nails on the hands?

Recently, an absolute hit in the field of manicure are oval nails. Elongated oval-shaped nails are something between the usual short nails for everyone and a very long manicure (not very convenient in everyday life).

Oval-shaped nails suit absolutely everyone. They have smoothed corners, thanks to which they complement almost any look. The most important feature of an ideal oval nail shape is the presence of clear lines.

Instructions for giving the nails an oval shape:

  • Take a nail file and run it several times on each side of your nail. File your nails in only one direction, so microcracks will not appear on your nail plate (they often make nails brittle);

  • After filing the nail from both sides, gently run the nail file along its tip, thus giving the nail a natural rounded shape;

For oval nails, special care should be taken, since they are quite vulnerable to mechanical damage. So, if you are the owner of thin nails, try to regularly use special polymer-based strengthening products. They will make your nail plate stronger, reliably protect it from damage.

Stiletto nail shape

How to make and give a beautiful shape to the nails on the hands?

The shape of the stylet nails visually makes the fingers longer and more feminine. As practice shows, the preference for this form of nails is most often given to bold and rather decisive representatives of the fair sex. The stiletto nail shape is quite difficult to wear, they are also very hard to make.

In order to get the stylet shape, it is necessary to file the nail plate in a special way after you prepare the nails for extension.

Instructions for getting stiletto nails:

  1. If you are working with acrylic, lay out the free edge of the nail in shape, getting the nails of the desired length;

  2. Using tweezers, pinch the shape of the nail along its entire length;

  3. File your nail. To do this, place the file parallel to the line of the nail, and then horizontally to its free edge. Sawdust down to the edge of the nail and its sides. In order for the manicure to look perfect, try to get an even and very clear angle at the stilettos.

In order for the nails not to scratch everything around, and also not to cling to clothes, be sure to blunt them a little when creating the desired shape.

Stiletto nails have a special advantage: thanks to their enviable length, you can get almost any design on their surface. Floral and static patterns, acrylic modeling, simple bright coating look especially beautiful.

Acute Nail Form

How to make and give a beautiful shape to the nails on the hands?

Sharp nails will visually make your hands more feminine and graceful, and your fingers even longer. Most often, a business lady gives a sharp shape to her nails, however, the sharp edges of a manicure will look organic in a casual look.

To make your nails sharp, you need to file down the sides of the nails until you reach the center of the tip of the nail. If you are shaping your nails for the first time, try not to make them very long at once, otherwise, you will feel very uncomfortable, the nails will break quickly (the fact is that when giving a sharp shape to the nails, they will be filed from the edges to the center As a result, sharp nails have no support, they become brittle and very thin). In order for your nails to remain strong under any circumstances, be sure to take proper care of them.

Key features that exist in the technology for creating sharp nails:

  • Do not use volumetric modeling in the process of creating the desired shape: you can only do semi-volumetric modeling on the edge of the nail;

  • Do not allow a large number of bulky details in the manicure on sharp nails (in this case, the manicure will look overloaded);

  • Try to use contrasting color combinations on sharp nails, sometimes apply a neutral color coating on your nails. The range of possible colors with which the nails will look beautiful and original is very wide.

How to make square nails?

How to make and give a beautiful shape to the nails on the hands?

Square-shaped nails are especially suitable for all happy owners of thin and long fingers. Square nails are also popular with men, since oval and too long nails are not at all suitable for representatives of the strong half of humanity.

We recommend that young mothers choose square nails with rounded corners, with such a manicure they will always look well-groomed, and the possibility of injuring their beloved child will be minimized.

To give a square shape to the nails, you can use a simple nail file and nail scissors. To create square nails, first grow them a little, and then proceed to create a manicure by following these steps:

  1. Remove the remaining polish from your nails;

  2. In a small bowl, collect a small amount of warm water, add sea salt there and place your hands there for about 10 – 15 minutes;

  3. Blot your nails and hands thoroughly so that they are completely dry;

  4. Using a nail file, file each nail from the sides. When filing, move the file strictly in one direction along the nail. File the tip of the nail strictly in a straight line, so you can achieve the perfect square shape;

  5. If in the process of using the nail file between the sides of the nails and its straight tip, sharp corners form, slightly round them with a file. To do this, file both corners in the direction from their edge to the center.

You can maintain a perfect square shape of nails without any problems. To do this, simply regularly file your nails in a straight line.

Author of the article: Gordievskaya Valeria Sergeevna, cosmetologist, specially for the site

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